I am an avid programmer with solid work experience and a huge heart for learning. I am very interested in Software Development and Machine Learning.
Pinned Repositories
This Java Application provides a smooth interface for helping users organize and set up conference speeches as well as for helping users sign up for available conference speeches at a specific time. Users can either sign up as a speaker to a conference talk, or users can sign up as an attendee for a conference talk. Certain Users can also sign up as Organizers which function similar to IT Administrators. Organizers help create and set up conference talk times and can access user statistics for all Attendees and Speakers in the system. Finally, numerous additional features were added to change the CLI based project into a GUI based project.
Set up k8s cluster, deploy model server and kepler on k8s server, leverage model server training pipeline to automate model training and subsequent validation.
Contains training procedures and interfaces for generating and exposing kepler related models in go
Integrating Kepler and OS-Climate
Kepler (Kubernetes-based Efficient Power Level Exporter) uses eBPF to probe performance counters and other system stats, use ML models to estimate workload energy consumption based on these stats, and exports them as Prometheus metrics
Model Server for Kepler
Kepler Operator
KaiyiLiu1234's Repositories
This Java Application provides a smooth interface for helping users organize and set up conference speeches as well as for helping users sign up for available conference speeches at a specific time. Users can either sign up as a speaker to a conference talk, or users can sign up as an attendee for a conference talk. Certain Users can also sign up as Organizers which function similar to IT Administrators. Organizers help create and set up conference talk times and can access user statistics for all Attendees and Speakers in the system. Finally, numerous additional features were added to change the CLI based project into a GUI based project.
Set up k8s cluster, deploy model server and kepler on k8s server, leverage model server training pipeline to automate model training and subsequent validation.
Contains training procedures and interfaces for generating and exposing kepler related models in go
Kepler (Kubernetes-based Efficient Power Level Exporter) uses eBPF to probe energy related system stats and exports as Prometheus metrics
Testing different CI and Github Action pipelines and publish test results
A Series of Validation Tests for Kepler's exported Metrics
Model Server for Kepler including WIP Linear Regression Model
Kepler Operator
Integrating Kepler and OS-Climate
A web application for the Health For Homeless Team, a nonprofit organization commited to improving the access and quality of healthcare for all people, regardless of economic status.
A game designed to practice one's language skills. This is one of the first large scale Java projects I have programmed.
Given the rising cases in Covid-19 and the unprecedented need to improve our readiness for a future pandemic, People Count AI was created to help businesses or public spaces manage the number of people coming in and out. People Count AI keeps track in real time the number of people in your business and publishes this number onto a public website for customers to see. The goal is to help manage social distancing by giving the customers the information they need to keep safe. People Count AI will also provide services powered with Machine Learning to automatically count the number of people in your business, detect unsafe actions that violate quarantine or safety rules, and checks how long a single customer was in the store for. Currently, People Count AI is nearing completion of the website and will soon be able to go live in the next few days. Our future short time goals (to be completed in two weeks time) are to implement all of the Machine Learning programs.