Welcome to the Developer Portfolio App! This project is an Android application designed to serve as a comprehensive portfolio for developers. It offers a clean and visually appealing user interface following the principles of UI-UX and Material Design. Built this responsive app using the best practices from the Android Community to show my skills and passion for design and development.
- The App uses GitHub API to retrieve real-time information such as user profile details and pictures, repositories, followers, following, bookmarked repos, etc. Users need not have a GitHub profile to access these profiles.
- Users can take inspiration and reference for their next project using this feature. (Web-view of repositories)
- The app provides a dedicated section for me to showcase my skills through a portfolio.
- This section allows me to display my professional experience, projects I have worked on, education, skills, and other relevant information.
- The user interface of the app is designed to be visually appealing and user-friendly. It enables seamless navigation and provides an immersive experience for visitors.
- Developer Section: The app provides a dedicated section for developers to create their portfolio/resume.
- This section will allow developers to display their professional experience, projects they have worked on, education, skills, and other relevant information.
- Developers can visit others' profiles, and see their work experience and projects.
- Like, comment, share, and bookmark features. Just like Social Media for developers and designers.