LinkedIn AI Reply Chrome Extension

This is a Chrome extension that runs on LinkedIn and assists users in generating replies to messages.


This extension is built using Plasmo, React, TypeScript, CSS, and Tailwind CSS.

How it works

The Chrome extension performs the following tasks:

  1. Shows the AI icon when the user focuses on the LinkedIn message input field. The icon disappears when the input field is no longer focused.
  2. Displays a center-aligned modal when clicking on the icon. Clicking anywhere outside this modal closes it.
  3. Allows the user to enter any command in the modal's input field.
  4. Displays a response when the “Generate” button is clicked. The “Regenerate” button is non-functional.
  5. Inserts the generated text into the message input field when the user clicks on the insert button.


Here is a brief video demonstrating all tasks as mentioned:
