
Course work for Oracle Database modeling and deployment


Course work for Oracle Database modeling and deployment

###The focus of this project was to Design, Develop, Implement and Operate a Database Application Development LifeCycle.

In this Project, I have:

  1. Created ER/EER Model: Conceptual Database Model.
  2. Created Logical Normalized Model.
  3. Created Data Dictionary that contains information about attributes and selected datatypes, properties, etc. targeting Oracle DBMS.
  4. Created Physical Data Model.
  5. Implemented Physical Model using Oracle 11g and Oracle SQL Developer using a Script File that contains all the Data Definition Language (DDL) statements to create the Schema.
  6. Generated Table schema Diagram of Physical Model Implementation.
  7. Created a Script to Test Database/Tables using Oracle SQL Developer to create and execute Data Manipulation(DML), SQL Statements(SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)