Simple Unix Shell

Technology: C
Type of project: fill-in-the-gaps

Rules of project

Only the code inside the "STUDENT" zones is written from scratch by me. The professor provided everything else.
The shell only handles inputs that fulfil grammar:

%start program
program : pipe_sequence ’&’ | pipe_sequence;
pipe_sequence : command | pipe_sequence ’|’ command;
command : cmd_words cmd_suffix | cmd_words;
cmd_words : cmd_words WORD | WORD;
cmd_suffix : io_redirect | cmd_suffix io_redirect;
io_redirect : ’<’ WORD | ’>’ WORD;\

How to use it

make - compile the project
make format - format all .c files
make test - run tests given by the professor (it requires that the code outside the "STUDENT" zones is unmodified, even adding comments is forbidden)