
A robust playlist manager for YouTube.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A robust playlist manager for YouTube.
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ongaku.today Screenshot

ongaku.today makes using YouTube as a music streaming platform easier.

With YouTube, videos can only be organized into playlists. ongaku.today takes this one step further and lets you to organize playlists into folders. This nested structure of folders and playlists not only helps you keep track of videos better, but also plays well with our queueing system. ongaku.today allows you to mix and match individual videos, playlists, or folders to be added to the queue. You will always have full control over what is playing.

For convenience, ongaku.today has integrated YouTube search and playlist importing functionality. Night mode can be toggled for your preferred viewing experience. ongaku.today is still early in development with many new features planned.

Built With

Getting Started

To get ongaku.today running on your local machine, follow these steps. Make sure you have Node.js installed.

Firebase Setup

  1. Create a new Firebase project
  2. Add a web app by going to your project settings
  3. Create a Cloud Firestore database in Test mode
  4. Enable Google sign-in by going to Authentication > Sign-in method
  5. Enable YouTube Data API

Project Setup

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Kalamitous/ongaku.today.git
  1. Create the following .env file at the root of the cloned repository

  1. Fill in the top portion of the .env file with the configuration of your Firebase project web app from step 3 of Firebase Setup
  2. Fill in the bottom portion of the .env file with the API key and OAuth client ID found in your project's Credentials page

Installing & Running

  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. Run the app
npm start

You should now be able to access the app at http://localhost:5000


Contributions to add features or resolve issues are welcome.

  1. Fork the project
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/Name) or issue branch (git checkout -b issue/Name)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Message')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/Name)
  5. Open a pull request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
