
Strawberrynet is about Beauty,Skincare,Makeup,Perfume brand products that lets their customers have a hassle-free and convenient online shopping experience.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CW Project Strawberrynet life cycle of project

Hi there! If you’ve read my previous post, you’re aware that I’m on track to achieve the title of a Full Stack Web Developer through Masai School. Unit 3 has gone by quicker than Unit 2 did with us fledglings introduced to the concepts of Advanced JS,HTML, CSS, sorting algorithms, problem solving skills and so much more. By now it’s starkingly clear to every single one of us that being a student at Masai means leveling up and pushing the boundaries of what we thought we were capable of. However, with one eye on the horizon where the shore calls out to us tantalisingly and the other on the waters right in front of us, I’m sure we all will be looking back fondly on these times. Much in the same way I am now looking back on my time with my teammates this last week where six of us had to come together to not only clone a website but also do so using Github with which we had little to no familiarity and give a presentation of the website all in less than six days.

The website in question to be cloned was Strawberrynet.com. strawberrynet is about Beauty,Skincare,Makeup,Perfume brand products that lets their customers have a hassle-free and convenient online shopping experience. As part of our project, we had to replicate the landing page, login/sign up, and the product pages, along with the ability to wishlist an item, add an item to the cart, and checkout.

The creation phase:

After figuring out how to go about cloning the website, we had to ensure that we were collaborating and coordinating in order to complete our individual tasks and then fuse them into one smooth flowing website. This was achieved by structuring our work around getting the features built and implemented by the deadline. We also kept in mind the baseline requirements of the project that were achieved using the recently acquired skills and knowledge.

We would meet in the mornings in order to prioritise the tasks that were the most important, discuss any obstacles, then go back to work on said tasks individually, and then gather again in the evenings with the objective of syncing up all of our individual tasks. We also made sure to work out the things that needed to be accomplished by the next meeting. This was repeated until the end of the project. Working this way also meant that each member of the team had the opportunity to contribute to all aspects of the project.

Final Presentation: image


This project was a chance to learn and apply new skills with each one of us moving forward together. Working as a team while ensuring that there is agreement on the end goal, open communication, and mutual respect amongst teammates takes us farther than any one of us can go. #Creators.

Puneet Sai.

Kalash Thakur.

Shivaji Zirpe.

Prathmesh Nerle.

Pankaj Sing Sajwan.

Deployed link :- https://imaginative-praline-24d6d4.netlify.app/

gitHub Repo :-https://github.com/KalashThakur/straberrynet/