- Table of content
- Kalaxia Game API
This repository is the Golang API for Kalaxia game.
It is used to develop, build and ship the game, and contains the Docker Compose configuration which runs the whole game.
What is kalaxia ? Kalaxia is a multiplayer browser strategy game on real time. This is an open source game. You can find more information on the project on our website kalaxia.org, or on our discord.
- Docker >= 18.03.0
- docker-compose >= 1.21.2
You can use your favorite packet manager to install the package docker
Notice that docker-compose is a package in your packet manager but it might be outdated. The authors advice following the official documentation
Normally your user should have permission to use docker. If it is not the case type
sudo groupadd docker
and then add the user to this group using
sudo usermod -aG docker <user>
You need to log off and log back in before you will be able to use the docker
command. If you have any issue please refer to the official documentation
Please refer to the official documentation. Note that docker-compose is already included in this build excepte for Windows server 2016.
If you are using Windows server 2016 please read the official documentation for the installation of docker-compose.
Please refer to the official documentation. Note that docker-compose is already included in this build.
The first step is to clone the repository using
git clone git@github.com:Kalaxia/game-api.git
Once the repository is cloned you will need to clone the front in 'volumes/app' using
git clone git@github.com:Kalaxia/game-front.git volumes/app
Navigate back to 'game-api'. Copy the files '.dist.env' to '.env' and 'kalaxia.dist.env' to 'kalaxia.env'. You can do that by using cp .dist.env .env
and cp kalaxia.dist.env kalaxia.env
Now open the file .env
using a text editor ( like vim, emacs, nano, gedit, ...) and change the NGINX_PORT
to your liking. NGINX_PORT
is the port nginx will listen to.
Optionally you can change the other values both of the new files. But the authors recommend keeping as it is except for NGINX_PORT
. And at this time the authors do not provide information in order to work properly if these files are changed.
Note that the following step could lead to data lost inside container with the same name as defined in docker-compose.yml
To build the Docker image with your new code compiled, use the following command:
docker-compose build
Compilation errors will be displayed during the build.
To use the created image with the Docker Compose repository, you must tag it:
docker tag kalaxiagameapi_api kalaxia/api
To launch the container use
docker-compose up -d
where the -d
flag means to detach the container and run it in background.
Now that the container is running you will need to create all the table in the database. In order create the database structure use
docker exec -it kalaxia_api make migrate-latest
more information are provided in the 'Database migrations' section below.
To setup the game you will need to setup the portal.
You need to copy the portal public RSA key to enable communications between the server and the portal.
Copy the rsa_vault/portal.pub
file from the portal to rsa_vault
in the game repository.
The server RSA key must be copied in the portal admin dashboard when registering a machine.
A machine can host several game servers.
You can use
docker logs -f kalaxia_api
to display the logs of the container.
- Starting the container :
docker-compose start
- stopping the container :
docker-compose stop
- restating the container :
docker-compose restart
- recreating the container :
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
- stopping and deleting the container :
docker-compose down
/!\ All data inside the container will be lost including the database - (re)build and launch the container
docker-compose up -d --build
/!\ All data inside the container will be lost including the database
Update your files locally (by instance using git pull
Then you type the command
docker build -t kalaxia/api .
docker-compose up -d api
to rebuild the container and launch it. This will only rebuild the api so your database should be safe.
Note that the previous container will be still on your machine but will be stopped. The delete the old image please refer to the docker documentation.
You can connect to the database using
docker-compose exec postgresql psql -U kalaxia -W kalaxia_game
in this mode you can directly type SQL queries. To quit type CTRL+D
To update the database schema, the game uses an external migration package.
If you have new changes to apply, create a new file following the naming convention described here:
These two files are mandatory: the *.up.sql
contains the SQL statements which apply your changes.
on the other hand is meant to rollback these changes if anything goes wrong.
The way to validate that your migration works properly is to be able to do several up and rollbacks on the same file.
is a simple number next to the latest migration file.
is the model structure table you are working on.
For example, if I want to add a field for Player
structure, I must create 3_player.up.sql
and 3_player.down.sql
and set the SQL statements inside.
A shortcut command has been implemented in the repository's Makefile
to quickly update your database schema with the latest version. To use it, type the following command:
docker exec -it kalaxia_api make migrate-latest
You can adapt the full-command in this file to do your stuff, for example rollback or use a specific version.
WARNING: The NGINX_PORT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
Did you create both .env
and kalaxia.env
as mentioned in the Installation process? Check that these files defines the same variable as .dist.env
and kalaxia.dist.env
ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: networks.game value Additional properties are not allowed ('name' was unexpected) services.nginx.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
You might have an oudated version of docker-compose. Check the version using
docker-compose -v
The version must be greater or equal to 1.21.2. If it where outdated uninstall docker-compose and reinstall a newer version. ( See section 'Docker installation' in this document).
When I connect to the main web page I only see the nginx page
Check your .env
and kalaxia.env
files. By default you need to use the user kalaxia as provided in the .dist.env
and kalaxia.dist.env
error: Dirty database version <v>. Fix and force version.
Your database did not migrate correctly and it is in a dirty state the following steps present how to resolve and go back to a clean state.
Let <v>
the version given by the error message. And <v+1>
the version number plus one.
Debug your migration files. Once they are debug you still need to follow the next step to go back to a clean version.
Read the file in 'build/migrations' which is name <v>_*.up.sql
and copy the command somewhere easily accessible for the next step.
Read the file in 'build/migrations' which is name <v+1>_*.down.sql
and copy the command somewhere easily accesible for the next setp.
docker exec -it kalaxia_postgresql psql -U kalaxia kalaxia_game
and there type one by one the SQL request you copy before, correcting where there is problem. Error like this table does not exist or this column does not exist can be safely ignored.
If you give up on solving all the problem in the SQL command go to step 5.
Now update the table schema_migrations
in the postgresql environment using
UPDATE schema_migrations SET dirty=f WHERE dirty=t;
Or you can run
docker exec -it kalaxia_api migrate -database postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=disable -source file://build/migrations force <v>
This will tell the program that it is in the version <v>
but this not run the SQL command. This is use to remove the dirty version state and let you continue your migration.
After that you can resume your migration. If you the error persist continue on step 5. Otherwise you can stop here.
This step is only to apply if the database is very corrupted. The following step will erase all data in your database. You will need to erase the database by running
docker exec -it kalaxia_api migrate -database postgres://${POSTGRES_USER}:${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432/${POSTGRES_DB}?sslmode=disable -source file://build/migrations drop
Your database is now empty. You can resume your migration.
The API documentation is written in RAML. You can use tools converter to read the documentation.
What is up with these #-nolink.raml
Due to how we retrieve data in the database we send partially linked object. To reflect this we have different data type files with the different level of depth of the links.
As a rule of thumb, a file with nolink
does not link to any other object in the DB. A lowlink
link to the nolink
object. And a highlink
links to the lowlink
This section present basically the architecture of the code to simplify your potential contribution.
First if you look at the ./docker-compose.yml
you see that we use three docker container, one for the this code, one for the postgreSQL database and one for nginx.
If your contribution include some data that need to be stored in the database read the section Database.
In order for the application to call some function associated to an http request you need to add a new route inside ./route/route.go
By instance the route to get the planets a player control
"Get Player Planets", // name of the route
"GET", // Method (GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,..)
"/api/players/{id}/planets", // URL pattern
controller.GetPlayerPlanets, // the function called when the request is received
true, // if the user need to be authenticated
Note that in the URL pattern you can pass variable like in this case using {id}
. This is only meant to pass few and simple argument. For more complex argument prefer using json in the request.
The function called should be in the package 'controller' (or 'shipController') located under the folder ./controller/
When a new route is added it will be greatly appreciated if you could complete the documentation under ./doc/
This is where the check if the player is allowed to see the information and where the request is parsed.
Function of this package should not do request to the database directly but use functions in the package 'manager' (or 'shipManager')
This package is located under ./manager/
. This is the place where the request to the data base is performed and where the data are modified.
Moreover there may be some function called init
. These function does not take any argument and are performed when the application start. Note that previous schedule are not retained when the application stops, thus this is the place to reschedule them.
The package model is located under ./model/
. It regroup all the structure definition of the object used.
As an example look at the following structure.
SystemOrbit struct {
tableName struct{} `pg:"map__system_orbits"`
Id uint16 `json:"id"`
Radius uint16 `json:"radius"`
SystemId uint16 `json:"-"`
System *System `json:"system"`
Notice the json attribute and SQL attribute. If your object need to be stored in the database do not forget to add the name of the table in the object.
Under ./resources/
you can add some json file containing variable changing different aspect of the game, like the price of a building.
- pg: PostgreSQL ORM for Golang.
- mux: A powerful URL router and dispatcher for golang.
- handlers: A collection of useful handlers for Go's net/http package.
- jwt-go: Golang implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- context: A golang registry for global request variables.
- slug: URL-friendly slugify with multiple languages support.
- unidecode: Unicode transliterator in Golang - Replaces non-ASCII characters with their ASCII approximations.
- inflection: Pluralizes and singularizes English nouns