
Implementation of the hyperswarm API for use in web browsers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Implementation of the hyperswarm API for use in web browsers

Using in an application

npm i -s hyperswarm-web
// Based on example in hyperswarm repo
// Try running the regular hyperswarm demo with node
const hyperswarm = require('hyperswarm-web')
const crypto = require('crypto')

const swarm = hyperswarm({
  // Specify a server list of HyperswarmServer instances
  bootstrap: ['ws://yourhyperswarmserver.com'],
  // You can also specify proxy and signal servers separated
  wsProxy: [
  webrtcBootstrap: [
  // The configuration passed to the SimplePeer constructor
  // See https://github.com/feross/simple-peer#peer--new-peeropts
  // for more options
  simplePeer: {
    // The configuration passed to the RTCPeerConnection constructor, for more details see
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/RTCPeerConnection/RTCPeerConnection#RTCConfiguration_dictionary
    config: {
      // List of STUN and TURN servers to connect
      // Without the connection is limited to local peers
      iceServers: require('./ice-servers.json')
  // Maximum number of peers (optional)
  // Used in both webrtc (default 5) and ws proxy config (default 24)
  maxPeers: 10,
  // Websocket reconnect delay in milliseconds (optional) (default 1000)
  wsReconnectDelay: 5000

// look for peers listed under this topic
const topic = crypto.createHash('sha256')


swarm.on('connection', (socket, details) => {
  console.log('new connection!', details)

  // you can now use the socket as a stream, eg:
  // socket.pipe(hypercore.replicate()).pipe(socket)

swarm.on('disconnection', (socket, details) => {
  console.log(details.peer.host, 'disconnected!')
  console.log('now we have', swarm.peers.length, 'peers!')

Build it with Browserify to get it running on the web.

You could also compile an existing codebase relying on hyperswarm to run on the web by adding a browser field set to {"hyperswarm": "hyperswarm-web"} to have Browserify alias it when compiling dependencies.

Setting up a proxy server

HyperswarmServer provides two services:

  • HyperswarmProxyWS: to proxy hyperswarm connections over websockets. Path: ws://yourserver/proxy
  • SignalServer: for P2P WebRTC signaling connections. Path: ws://yourserver/signal

Running a HyperswarmServer will allows you to use both services in one single process.

npm i -g hyperswarm-web

# Run it! Default port is 4977 (HYPR on a phone pad)

# Run it with a custom port
hyperswarm-web --port 42069

Running as a Linux service with SystemD

sudo cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/hyperswarm-web.service
Description=Hyperswarm proxy server which webpages can connect to.

# Check that hyperswarm-web is present at this location
# If it's not, replace the path with its location
# You can get the location with 'whereis hyperswarm-web'
# Optionally add a --port parameter if you don't want 4977


sudo chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/hyperswarm-web.service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable hyperswarm-web
sudo systemctl start hyperswarm-web

sudo systemctl status hyperswarm-web