
Invoking this from your Connect Contact Flow can allow you to open/close your contact center for holidays.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  1. Create a Lambda function, using the Node runtime. For more information, see Create a Lambda Function in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
  2. Create an Enviroment Variable with the key "TIMEZONE" and a value of your contact center's timezone. Possible values can be found here. If TIMEZONE is not created or left blank, the Lambda will use the UTC timezone.
  3. Create an Environment Varliable with the key "Holiday_Test" and assign it a value of your first holiday in MM/DD format. Continue adding Environment Variables(with keys starting with "Holiday_", for example "Holiday_Thanksgiving") for each of your holidays. Image
  4. Save your Lambda.
  5. Add your Lambda Function to your Amazon Connect Instance by following these instructions
  6. Invoke your Lambda Function from a Contact Flow by following these instructions
  7. From the Success path of your Invoke Lambda node, create a CHeck Contact Attributes node and configure it to look for the External Attribute of CLOSED. If the Lambda function finds a match for today's call in your Environment Variables, CLOSED will equal Yes, else it will be equal to No. (tip: Yes and No are case sensitive). Image