- Create a Lambda function, using the Node runtime. For more information, see Create a Lambda Function in the AWS Lambda Developer Guide.
- Create an Enviroment Variable with the key "TIMEZONE" and a value of your contact center's timezone. Possible values can be found here. If TIMEZONE is not created or left blank, the Lambda will use the UTC timezone.
- Create an Environment Varliable with the key "Holiday_Test" and assign it a value of your first holiday in MM/DD format. Continue adding Environment Variables(with keys starting with "Holiday_", for example "Holiday_Thanksgiving") for each of your holidays.
- Save your Lambda.
- Add your Lambda Function to your Amazon Connect Instance by following these instructions
- Invoke your Lambda Function from a Contact Flow by following these instructions
- From the Success path of your Invoke Lambda node, create a CHeck Contact Attributes node and configure it to look for the External Attribute of CLOSED. If the Lambda function finds a match for today's call in your Environment Variables, CLOSED will equal Yes, else it will be equal to No. (tip: Yes and No are case sensitive).
Invoking this from your Connect Contact Flow can allow you to open/close your contact center for holidays.