
Apocalypse Wiki! This is a standard build of Kiwix Hotspot (which is NOT included in this repository), with some hardware additions that I have made.

See the full video on the Element14 Comunnity

Hardware Additions

  • Raspberry Pi Touchscreen Display
  • Temp Sensor & Fan
  • Pi Supply Power Switch & Buttons
  • Rugged Case

Software Additions

  • Kiosk Mode using Matchbox window manager
  • Virtual Keyboard - Matchbox
  • Software for power switch
  • Custom script for temp sensor


First do a basic install of Kiwix Hotspot. Add a 'ssh' file to the /boot partition and then login with normal raspi default credentials.

  • Configure System
    • sudo raspi-config
    • Boot Options -> Desktop/CLI -> Console Autologin
    • Interfacing Options -> 1-Wire
  • Update APT
    • sudo apt-get update
  • Install minimal xwindows
    • sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg x11-xserver-utils xinit matchbox-window-manager
  • Install Chromium Browser
    • sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends chromium-browser
  • Install Matchbox virtual keyboard
    • sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends matchbox-keyboard
  • Install RPi.GPIO for python3
    • sudo pip3 install RPi.GPIO

That should take care of the software installs. Now copy the .xsession file from this repository to the home directory of the user 'pi'

cp .xsession ~

Edit the .bashrc file in the home directory and add the following to the bottom

startx -- -nocursor

Now install the service.

  • sudo cp apocpi.service /etc/systemd/system/
  • sudo systemctl enable apocpi.service
  • sudo systemctl start apocpi.service