Hackathon starting kit - Diffusion models from scratch

A sample grid of sprites

In this hackathon, we will build diffusion models from scratch. The data we will use are sprites taken from Aasa Feragen's Advanced Deep Learning in Computer Vision course (which in turn seems to be taken from Ryota Kawamura's introduction to diffusion models).

Setting up your environment

Create a fresh conda environment for this project

conda create -n diff python=3.10

After this, activate the environment and install the requirements:

conda activate diff
pip install -r requirements.txt

Remember to add the current folder to your PYTHONPATH. In vscode, you can do this by adding this to your launch.json:

"env": {
    "PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}"

Loading up the data

As soon as you have the root folder on your PYTHONPATH, you should be able to run

from utils.data.dataloaders import get_train_and_test_dataloaders

# Two torch dataloaders with train and test.
train_data_loader, test_data_loader = get_train_and_test_dataloaders(

Simple baselines

We provide a simple VAE both in torch and in jax. You can find them under baselines.

Here's the latent space of a VAE overfitted to only 1000 sprites: Example of a VAE latent space overfitted to 1000 sprites


Jax and Pytorch have incompatible CUDA requirements. Unfortunately, this means you can not install both Jax and Pytorch compatible gpu version. If you wish to use Jax, you will have to use the CPU version of Pytorch. The requirements.txt file assumes you are using the CPU version of Jax.

If you wish to use JAX on GPU run the following:

conda create -n diff python=3.10
conda activate diff
pip install -r requirements_jaxgpu.txt