
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Exploring Predictive Uncertainty and Calibration in NLP: A Study on the Impact of Method & Data Scarcity

This repository contains the code of the EMNLP 2022 paper "Exploring Predictive Uncertainty and Calibration in NLP: A Study on the Impact of Method & Data Scarcity" by Dennis Ulmer, Jes Frellsen und Christian Hardmeier.

This repository builds on the code in nlp-uncertainty-zoo, which is also one of the requirements of this project.

If you found this repository useful, please cite our work:

  title={Exploring Predictive Uncertainty and Calibration in NLP: A Study on the Impact of Method \& Data Scarcity},
  author={Ulmer, Dennis and Frellsen, Jes and Hardmeier, Christian},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.15452},

Repository structure

  • data/: Folder containing all the data used in the paper.
    • raw: Folders containing the raw datasets, i.e. clinc, danplus and finnish_ud (see Data section below for information on how to acquire them).
    • processed: Processed datasets using the same folder structure as raw. Produced by running the processing scripts located in scripts/.
  • img/: Containing all the plots used in the work.
    • qualitative/: Containing plots used for the qualitative analyses, corresponding to dan+ and finnish_ud.
    • scatter_plots/: Scatter plots depicting the relationships between calibration and uncertainty quality and task performance.
    • time/: Plots that show the development of token / sequence Kendall's tau correlations over the training time.
  • results/: All the results that are used in the paper.
    • significance_testing/: ASO values for different metrics and datasets between the models.
    • subsampling_verification/: Perplexity values obtained by the n-gram model for dataset splits, ood split and subsampled training splits.
    • The result of the directory contains files that are of the form <dataset_name>_<size>_<model_name>_<run>_<timestamp>. There are four different files per model run:
      • _uncertainty.csv: Uncertainty measurements per instance in the test set.
      • _uncertainty.pkl: Uncertainty measurements per instance as a pickle file.
      • _scores.pkl: Dictionary of all the final model scores.
      • _stats.csv: Evaluation scores per instance in the test set.
  • scripts/
    • check_subsampling_and_ood.py: Check the frequencies of labels and types in subsampled / OOD splits.
    • get_ngram_ppl.py: Compute the perplexity values for different (subsampled) splits. This requires a local installation of SRILM.
    • get_total_runtime_and_emissions.py: Calculate the total runtime and emissions over model runs.
    • preprocess_clinc.py: Preprocess the CLINC (Plus) dataset.
    • preprocess_danish.py: Preprocess the DanPlus dataset.
    • preprocess_finnish.py: Preprocess the FinnishUD dataset.
  • src/:
    • clinc_config.py: Model configs for CLINC (Plus).
    • config.py: General project config.
    • danplus_config.py: Model configs for Dan+.
    • data.py: Define DatasetBuilders for used datasets.
    • finnish_ud_config.py: Model configs for Finnish UD.
    • uncertainty_evaluation.py: Define how uncertainty and calibration is being evaluated.
  • sweeps/: Includes the information used for Weights & Biases hyperparameter sweeps.
  • format_results.py: Format results in Latex for table 2 in the paper.
  • hyperparameter_search.py: Run a hyperparameter search. Called by sweep.py.
  • plot_metrics_over_time.py: Plot the development of uncertainty metrics over time.
  • qualitative_analysis.py: Produce plots for the qualitative analysis of DanPlus and FinnishUD.
  • run_experiments.py: Run an experiment.
  • significance_testing.py: Perform significance tests.
  • sweep.py: Use the wandb agent to start a sweep. Calls hyperparameter_search.py.
  • visualize_results.py: Create scatter plots of results, comparing task and uncertainty / calibration performance.


First of all, install the repository requirements using pip:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Next, we will walk you through the different steps necessary to replicate the findings of the paper.


In order to replicate our findings, download the Clinc Plus, Dan+ and Finnish UD dataset from the links below:

Then, place them in the data/raw/ directory, in folders called clinc, clinc_plus, danplus and finnish_ud.

You can then preprocess the data by running the following commands:

cd scripts
python3 process_clinc.py
python3 process_danplus.py
python3 process_finnish_ud.py

This should produce files in the data/processed/ directory and the subfolders with the same name, populating them with files called train.csv, val.csv, test.csv as well as oo(d/s)_test.csv.

Setting secret.py

For experimental tracking via Weights & Biases as well as carbon emission tracking via codecarbon, it is possible to add some settings in a file called secret.py.

The actually secret file used for the paper is not added to the repository for security reasons, but you can add your own information by filling out the fields in secret_template.py and then renaming it to secret.py. Nevertheless, the code is supposed to run even without this step.

Hyperparameter Search

Hyperparameter search is conducted through Weights & Biases' sweep functionality. For that purpose, hyperparameter search ranges for every model and dataset can be found in sweeps/<dataset_name>/sweep_<model_name>_<dataset_name>.yaml.

All the logic for the hyperparameter search is defined in hyperparameter.search.py, which is called through running sweep.py. To run a hyperparameter search, run something similar to the command below:

python3 sweep.py sweeps/clinc_plus/sweep_lstm_clinc_plus.yaml 30

which will perform a hyperparameter search for the LSTM on Clinc Plus for 30 trials in total.

Model Training

Model training is performed by running run_experiments.py. The most important arguments are the following:

  • --dataset: Specify the name of the dataset the model should be trained on. Can be dan+, finnish_ud or clinc_plus.
  • --model: Specify the name of the model to be trained. Can be any of the models defined in nlp-uncertainty-zoo.
  • --device: Define the device the model should be trained on for PyTorch, e.g. cpu or cuda.
  • --training-size: Define the size the training set should be subsampled into.
  • --runs: Number of runs per model. In the paper, five different seeds per model were trained.

Validation of Subsets / OOD Test Sets

This part involves two parts: Measuring perplexities of in- and out-of-distribution splits as well as plotting some of their properties. For the first part, make sure to provide a local installation of SRILM. Then run

  cd scripts/
  python3 get_ngram_ppl.py

Where results will be saved to results/subsampling_verification/<dataset_name>_results.txt. For the second part, run

  cd scripts
  python3 check_subsampling_and_ood.py

and resulting plots will be saved as img/{label/seq/token}_freqs_{id_ood/subsampled}.pdf.

Significance testing

Significance testing is performed using the Almost Stochastic Order (ASO) test, as implemented in deep-significance. To execute the significance testing, it is required to have the corresponding <dataset_name>_<dataset_size>_<model_name>_<run>_<timestamp>_scores.pkl files in the results/ folder. Then, run

python3 significance_testing.py --dataset <dataset_name> --training-sizes <dataset_size>

and the corresponding results will be saved into results/significance_testing/<dataset_name>_significance_testing.txt.


To re-run the hyperparameter search, or to train the different models and regenerate results, please refer to the sections Hyperparameter Search and Model Training above. We now list below the figures in the paper, and the necessary scripts and exact arguments to reproduce them:

  • Table 2: Run python3 format_results.py specifying the dataset name and training set size. For the paper, these were
    • python3 format_results.py --dataset clinc_plus --training-sizes 15000
    • python3 format_results.py --dataset finnish_ud --training-sizes 10000
    • python3 format_results.py --dataset danplus --training-sizes 4000
    • Significant results were highlighted manually. To reproduce them, run
      • python3 significance_testing.py --dataset clinc_plus --training-sizes 15000
      • python3 significance_testing.py --dataset finnish_ud --training-sizes 10000
      • python3 significance_testing.py --dataset danplus --training-sizes 4000
  • Figure 2: This requires running visualize_results.py specifying the dataset name. For the paper, these were
    • python3 visualize_results.py --dataset clinc_plus
    • python3 visualize_results.py --dataset finnish_ud
    • python3 visualize_results.py --dataset danplus
    • Afterwards, results are found in img/scatter_plots/.
  • Figure 3: This script is slightly more involved, since it includes a lot of different parameters. We report the exact parameters below:
    • Figure 3 (b): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset dan+ --models lstm lstm_ensemble ddu_bert --target kendalls_tau_seq --target-name "Sequence-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 2500 --identifier selection
    • Figure 3 (a): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset dan+ --models lstm lstm_ensemble ddu_bert --target kendalls_tau_token --target-name "Token-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 2500 --identifier selection
  • Figure 4:
    • Figure 4 (a): python3 qualitative_analysis.py --dataset dan+ --metrics predictive_entropy --training-sizes 4000 --top-n 40 --normalize
    • Figure 4 (b): python3 qualitative_analysis.py --dataset finnish_ud --metrics mutual_information predictive_entropy --models variational_lstm sngp_bert lstm_ensemble variational_bert --training-sizes 10000 --top-n 40
    • Result will be saved in img/qualitative/<dataset_name>/. Note that sequences will be randomly sampled from the test set every time.
  • Figures 5 - 10: These figures are all plotted and saved into img/ by running the commands below:
    • cd scripts
    • python3 check_subsampling_and_ood.py
  • Table 3: These results are saved in results/subsampling_verification/<dataset_name>_results.txt. To reproduce them, run
    • cd scripts/
    • python3 get_ngram_ppl.py
    • Be aware that this requires a functioning installation of SRILM on your system.
  • Table 4: Hyperparameter search ranges are defined in sweeps/<dataset_name>/sweep_<model_name>_<dataset_name>.yaml.
  • Table 5: All used hyperparameters can also be found in src/<dataset_name>_config.py.
  • Figure 11 - 14: Same as Figure 2.
  • Figure 15 + 16: Same as Figure 3. We report the exact arguments for the script below:
    • Figure 15 (a): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset dan+ --models lstm lstm_ensemble st_tau_lstm variational_lstm bayesian_lstm variational_bert ddu_bert sngp_bert --target kendalls_tau_token --target-name "Token-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 2500 --identifier all
    • Figure 15 (b):python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset finnish_ud --models lstm lstm_ensemble st_tau_lstm variational_lstm bayesian_lstm variational_bert ddu_bert sngp_bert --target kendalls_tau_token --target-name "Token-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 7000 --identifier all
    • Figure 16 (a): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset clinc_plus --models lstm lstm_ensemble bayesian_lstm variational_bert ddu_bert --target kendalls_tau_seq --target-name "Sequence-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 7000 --identifier all
    • Figure 16 (b): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset dan+ --models lstm lstm_ensemble st_tau_lstm variational_lstm bayesian_lstm variational_bert ddu_bert sngp_bert --target kendalls_tau_seq --target-name"Sequence-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 2500 --identifier all
    • Figure 16 (c): python3 plot_metrics_over_time.py --dataset finnish_ud --models lstm lstm_ensemble st_tau_lstm variational_lstm bayesian_lstm variational_bert ddu_bert sngp_bert --target kendalls_tau_seq --target-name "Sequence-level Kendall's tau" --metrics ood_predictive_entropy --step-cutoff 7000 --identifier all
  • Figure 17 + 18: Same as Figure 4.