
React course APP for exam defence

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Share Recipes

You can find it here --> Share recipes

This is an application where people can share their cooking recipes and also search for new ones.

The application allows you to read other people's recipes and create, edit, delete, read your own recipes.


This is a front-end application that depends on the back-end API, the documentation can be found --> HERE.

Used technologies

-React Router DOM

Start the application

To start the application, you can use the start script by typing npm start in the project console.

Guest users

Guests have access to basic functionality. They have access to the home page, gallery page, each category of recipes and recipe details. The guests cannot create, edit, delete recipes.

Logged-in users

Users logged in can read all the information on the site and can create, edit, delete their own recipes. They cannot edit or delete recipes of other users. They cannot add specific categories to the site.


The administrator can add categories to the site. He has the access of the whole functionality of the site, also to delete or edit other`s recipe.