
All of my configuration files !

Primary LanguageShell

Kalitsune's .dotfiles

What are dotfiles?

Dotfiles are configuration files on Unix-like systems that are typically hidden and prefixed with a dot (e.g., .bashrc, .vimrc). These files store settings and preferences for various command-line tools, text editors, and other applications, allowing users to customize their environment to suit their needs.

The cool part is that because they're files I can share them with you :D


This repository is intended to be used with GNU Stow, you can check this video to learn more about how it works.


To use this repository you'll need git and stow otherwise it will depend on which dotfiles you're looking for.


Depending on what you want to install you might need to install a few more things, I provided config scripts in the scripts directory to allow for an easier installation.

You can install the dotfiles either by coying them manually or by runnig stow . in the root directory of this repository.

it is however recommended that you use the install-all.sh script from the scripts directory if possible because it'll also install the dependencies just run:



Application Name
Terminal Blackbox



Zsh with Oh My Zsh Tmux with ZSH


neovim with NvChad a feature-rich vim configuration