
Simple utility library to create server actions in Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ActionHandler Library

The ActionHandler library provides a typesafe and robust way to manage and execute asynchronous actions with input validation, output validation, and retry logic. This library leverages zod for schema validation and includes functionality to create and handle actions in a structured manner.


  • Input and Output Validation: Define schemas for input and output using zod for type-safe validation.
  • Retry Logic: Automatically retry actions on failure with configurable attempts and delays.
  • Context Management: Optionally provide context for actions using a factory function.
  • Flexible Action Handling: Create handlers for actions with specified input and output types.


To use the ActionHandler library, first install the required dependencies:

npm install zod


Creating an Action Handler

Use the createActionHandler function to initialize a new action handler with configuration options.

import { createActionHandler } from "zod-server-actions";


Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an action handler:

  1. Define Schemas

    Define the input and output schemas using zod.

    import { z } from "zod";
    const InputSchema = z.object({
      name: z.string(),
      age: z.number().min(0),
    const OutputSchema = z.object({
      greeting: z.string(),
  2. Create Action Handler

    Use createActionHandler to initialize your action handler.

    const actionHandler = createActionHandler({
      maximumAttempts: 3,
      delay: 1000,
      contextFn: async () => {
        return { user: "contextData" }; // Example context data
  3. Define the Handler Function

    Create a handler function that will process the input and return the output.

    const action = handler
      .handler(async () => {
        // create user and return data
  4. Execute the Action

    Call the action with the appropriate input.

    const result = await action({ name: "Alice", age: 30 });



Creates a new ActionHandler instance with the specified configuration.


  • config (object): Configuration for the action handler.
    • maximumAttempts (number): Number of retry attempts (optional, default: 0).
    • delay (number): Delay between retries in milliseconds (optional, default: 0).
    • contextFn (function): Asynchronous function that returns context data (optional).


  • ActionHandler: An instance of ActionHandler.



  • input<S extends ZodTypeAny>(schema: S): Defines the input schema for the action handler.
  • output<S extends ZodTypeAny>(schema: S): Defines the output schema for the action handler.
  • retry({ maximumAttempts, delay }: RetryProps): Configures retry logic with maximum attempts and delay.
  • handler<R>(callback: HandlerFn<T, R, TContext>): Registers the handler function to process the action.

ActionHandler Properties

  • input: Input schema.
  • output: Output schema.
  • maximumAttempts: Number of retry attempts.
  • delay: Delay between retries.
  • contextFn: Context factory function.


Basic Example

import { createActionHandler } from "zod-server-actions";
import { z } from "zod";

const InputSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string(),
  age: z.number().min(0),

const OutputSchema = z.object({
  greeting: z.string(),

const actionHandler = createActionHandler({
  maximumAttempts: 3,
  delay: 1000,

const handler = async (input, context) => {
  return {
    greeting: `Hello, ${input.name}!`,

const action = actionHandler

(async () => {
  const result = await action({ name: "Bob", age: 25 });


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve the library. Contributions are welcome!


For questions or support, please contact kalmonkk69@gmail.com.