Chat Room Owner Functionality

This project implements chat room owner functionality, allowing the owner to perform various actions within the chat room.


  • Owner Privileges: The chat room owner has special privileges and permissions within the room.
    • Kick Out Users: The owner can kick out other users from the chat room.
    • TODO: Other features on its way
  • Room Deletion: When all users leave the room, it is automatically marked as deleted.
  • Notification on Kick Out: When a user gets kicked out by the owner, they receive a notification about the event.
  • Messaging: Users can send messages to each other within the chat room.


  • rust
  • postgres
  • docker

Application Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:
  2. Navigate to the project directory and start the Docker containers:
    docker-compose up -d
  3. Setup env variables:
    cp .env.local .env
  4. Build and run the application using Cargo:
    cargo run
  5. Open the following Postman link to access the API documentation and test the endpoints link
  6. In Postman, you can create a user and a room to start enjoying the chatting experience.

Please note that you may need to adjust the steps based on your specific project setup or any additional requirements.