
📊 IOT platform for reading and visualising sensor data

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Install Docker
  2. Run docker-compose up
  3. Once db and api services are running, run the migrations by running docker-compose exec api yarn migrate:latest
  4. (Optional) Create a system by calling the API with the following request:
curl -d '{"name": "System"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/systems

After the setup is done, the client should be available at http://localhost:8080/.

Package configuration

You can override each package's configuration in the .env file within package's directory (e.g. packages/api/.env). Note that some of these changes (such as ports) require altering the Dockerfiles and docker-compose.yml file as well.

System configuration

System configuration format:

  sensors: {
    [string]: { // key for the sensor
      title: string,
      subtitle: string,
      decimals: number, // how many decimals are used to display measurements
      reactorTitle: string, // title showed in the reactor view
      unit: {
        unit: string, // unit short name, such as "RPM"
        title: string, // unit long name, such as "Temperature"
      calibration: {
        x1: number,
        x2: number,
        y1: number,
        y2: number,
  pumps: {
    [string]: { // key for the pump
      title: string,
      subtitle: string,
  binarySensors: {
    [string]: {
      title: string,
      subtitle: string,
      reactorTitle: string,
  visualization: {
    tabs: Array<{
      title: string,
      sensors: Array<string>, // array of sensor keys
  reactor: {
    pumps: Array<string>, // pump keys
    sensors: Array<string>, // sensor keys
    binarySensors: Array<string>, // binary sensor keys

Inspecting logs

Run docker-compose logs <service> where <service> is the target service. E.g. docker-compose logs system-reader

Database connection

Once containers are running after running docker-compose up, you can access the database container by running docker-compose exec db /bin/bash. Once connected to the database container you can access the database from terminal by running the command:

psql -U postgres -d kilke