
this project consists of a SQL database and a ruby application. In this project, I collaborated with three team members to create a console app that helps users to keep a record of different types of things. it entails Adding new Books, Movies, Music_Albums, and Games and associating them with their labels, genres, sources and authors. as well as Displaying selected items and Preserve user data in JSON files

Primary LanguageRuby


It consists of a SQL data base and a ruby application. In this project, we created a console app that help us to keep a record of different types of things:

  • Add new Book, Movie, Music_Album, Game.
  • Display selected items.
  • Preserve user data in JSON files

Introduction Video

The learning objective of this project are

  • Insert and query data in SQL.
  • Use primary key & foreign key mechanisms for joining tables.
  • Understand the different types of relationships between tables.
  • Query multiple tables.
  • Prepare complex queries that answer analytical questions.
  • Run a program using the command line.
  • Use Ruby syntax for basic programming operations.
  • Apply Ruby best practices and language style guides in code.
  • Describe the SOLID principles of OOP.
  • Implement classes and objects in Ruby.
  • Understand the four main principles of OOP.
  • Implement encapsulation and inheritance with Ruby.
  • Create a UML class diagram.
  • Explain the difference between associations, aggregations, and composition in OOP.
  • Set up associations between classes and objects.
  • Store data in files.
  • Build interactive console apps.
  • Recognize the value of making equal contributions to group projects to produce the best outcome.

It is written in ruby and is part of the tasks of the Microverse curriculum.

Built With

  • Ruby
  • Rubocop

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.



  • git clone https://github.com/mmatongo/catalog-of-my-things.git or

  • git clone git@github.com:mmatongo/catalog-of-my-thing.git

  • cd catalog-of-my-things

Running The App

  • Run ruby main.rb to run the console app.


  • Run gem install rspec to install Rspec,

  • Run rspec spec to run all the test cases, and

  • Run rspec spec/name_of_test_file.rb to run test cases individually.


👤 Titus Muthomi

👤 Daniel M. Matongo

👤 Rida Arif

👤 Juliana Ifionu

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Microverse for giving us this chance
  • The amazing code reviewers for making us improve every day 👍