
Using GANs to create comic book looking superheros and villains

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Comic Character Art Generation

This project showcases how to use common Generative Adverserial Networks for generating comic characters. It provides an easy to use, modular and efficient framework for small GAN projects where you want to create custom networks yourself. Variational AutoEncoders may be added in the future.

Instalation and Environment

To simplify running code in a stable and consistant environment, please we provide an environment.yml file. This file contains a list of essential packages (which certain version and channel specifications). It is easiest to use the environment with Anaconda (or Miniconda for a smaller and more streamlined environment).

To install and use environment.yml do the following:

  1. Install Anaconda or Miniconda
  2. Create a new environemtn from the file conda env create -f environment.yml
  3. When packages need to be added or modified update the environment.yml file and run conda env update -f environment.yml --prune
  4. Once satisfied activate the new environment through conda activate charactergen and (optionally) deactivate/close afterwards with conda deactivate

For an update the above isn't necessary - simply run conda update --all for packages and conda update -n base -c defaults conda for conda itself!