
My macOS setup/config.

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My macOS setup/config.


I install apps predominantly using HomeBrew.


I install them using brew install --cask <package-name>.

Replace <package-name> with one of the following packages below.

  1. android-file-transfer
  2. android-studio
  3. bitwarden
  4. brave-browser
  5. dbeaver-community
  6. discord
  7. font-fira-code
  8. google-chrome
  9. imageoptim
  10. libreoffice
  11. localsend
  12. megasync
  13. microsoft-remote-desktop
  14. mkvtoolnix
  15. opera
  16. postman
  17. qbittorrent
  18. slack
  19. sourcetree
  20. spotify
  21. sublime-text
  22. syncthing
  23. telegram-desktop
  24. the-unarchiver
  25. visual-studio-code
  26. vlc
  27. whatsapp
  28. xcodes
  29. zerotier-one
  30. zoom


I install them using brew install <package-name>.

Replace <package-name> with one of the following packages below.

  1. ffmpeg
  2. gh
  3. bison
  4. cmake
  5. fmt
  6. cocoapods
  7. neofetch
  8. htop
  9. mariadb
  10. tree
  11. pkg-config
  12. zsh
  13. zsh-autosuggestions
  14. zsh-syntax-highlighting
  15. yt-dlp

MariaDB setup instructions

I am assuming it is a fresh install.

  • brew install bison cmake fmt pkg-config
  • brew install mariadb
  • mysql.server start
  • brew services start mariadb
  • mysql

In your shell config (.bashrc / .zshrc / .fishrc / anything else) add this set of lines. This will help you use mariadb in your other applications (espcially Python with mysqlclient package).

# If you need to have bison first in your PATH, run:
export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/bison/bin:$PATH"

# For compilers to find bison you may need to set:
export LDFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/bison/lib"

# # For pkg-config to find mysql-client you may need to set:
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=" /opt/homebrew/opt/mariadb/lib/pkgconfig "

# openssl compilation flags
export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix openssl)/include"