Welcome to the Task Manager Full Stack Application! This application provides a comprehensive solution for managing tasks efficiently. It consists of a frontend developed using React, Tailwind CSS, and Redux, and a backend developed using Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB.
- Introduction
- Features
- Getting Started
- Project Structure
- Frontend Components
- Backend Endpoints
- Middleware
- Contributing
- License
The Task Manager Full Stack Application offers a user-friendly interface for managing tasks efficiently. Users can create, edit, and delete tasks, as well as filter tasks based on various criteria such as status and priority. The frontend interacts with the backend API to perform CRUD operations on tasks and manage user authentication.
- User Authentication: Secure user registration and login functionality.
- Task Management: Create, edit, and delete tasks with customizable attributes.
- Filtering: Filter tasks based on status, priority, and other criteria.
- Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly user interface for seamless access on various devices.
Before running the application, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
- Node.js and npm/yarn
- MongoDB
To set up the application, follow these steps:
- Clone the frontend and backend repositories from GitHub.
- Navigate to the project directories in your terminal.
- Install dependencies for both frontend and backend using npm or yarn: -npm install or -yarn install
Once dependencies are installed, you can run the full stack application:
- Start the backend server by running
node app.js
. - Start the frontend development server by running
npm start
oryarn start
The frontend application will be accessible at http://localhost:3000, and the backend API will be accessible at http://localhost:8080.
The frontend project follows a structured directory layout:
- src/components/: Contains React components for the user interface.
- src/Redux/: Contains Redux-related files for state management.
- src/Routes/: Contains routing configuration files.
- src/App.css: CSS file for styling the frontend components.
- src/App.js: Entry point of the frontend application.
- src/index.css: Global CSS file.
- src/index.js: Entry point for rendering the React application into the DOM.
The backend project follows a structured directory layout:
- app.js: Entry point of the backend application.
- connection.js: File for establishing connection to the MongoDB database.
- UsersSchema.js: File defining the schema for user data.
- todosSchema.js: File defining the schema for task data.
- todosRouter.js: File containing routes for task-related endpoints.
- middlewear.js: File containing middleware functions for authentication.
- package.json: File containing project metadata and dependencies.
The frontend application consists of various React components for different pages and features, including:
- Landing Page
- Login
- Signup
- Dashboard
- Todo
- NewTodo
- EditTodo
- ComingSoon
- Features
The backend API provides RESTful endpoints for user authentication and task management, including:
- POST /signup
- POST /login
- GET /todos
- POST /todos/create
- PUT /todos/:id
- DELETE /todos/:id
The backend API includes middleware functions for authentication, ensuring secure access to the endpoints using JWT tokens.
Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to the project, please follow the Contributing Guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.