
RSS Feed for MangaUpdates that is limited to the user's Reading List.

Primary LanguagePHP


I updated and maintain the MangaUpdates Bridge there to do everything this can, but simpler, better and without the accidental flaw in this one that I won't fix.

Baka RSS

Why doesn't MangaUpdates have an rss feed of JUST the manga you are reading? Well now it can. with the help of XAMPP.


Know how to use RSS and already a feed reader of your liking. The one I use is QuiteRSS, but this works with any locally hosted feed reader.


1. Setting up MangaUpdates
Set up an account on MangaUpdates and have a Reading list. MAKE SURE YOUR LIST IS PUBLIC and copy down that public url. It is something of the form https://www.mangaupdates.com/mylist.html?id=xxxxxx&list=read.
Manga Updates Settings

2. Download XAMPP/Decide how to run this.
Technically, you do not need XAMPP for this to work. Any way you get PHP to run via an IP address will work.

Just download XAMPP for simplicities sake. The rest of these instructions assume so.

3. Using XAMPP
Find Apache Web Server and start it. That's all. You may also want to lookup how to have XAMPP automatically start with your computer.

4. Download Baka RSS
Click on the Code button on the top right of this webpage. Then click on Download ZIP. Then extract it's contents to the htdocs folder. For Windows, this is most likely at c:xampp/htdoc.
Inside htdocs folder

5. Create settings
Inside the bakarss folder, create a file called settings.txt and open it in your favorite text editor. Rmember that URL for your reading list in step one? Paste it into here like this, save, then close the file.
Bakarss folder settings

6. Add to your reader
Just add the URL http://localhost/bakarss/bakarss.php to your reader. As long as you have Apache Web Server on XAMPP running, this link will work.