
Remake of MsPacman in 68k assembly

Primary LanguageAssembly

MsPacman 500

This is a (successful) attempt by jotd to create a 1:1 port of the famous arcade game on Amiga 500 using 100% 68k assembly.

The display is 4:3 so scores, lives, bonuses are on the side rather than on top/botton. The gameplay layout is 1:1 vs the original, though.


  • any 68k CPU
  • Kickstart 1.3, 512k memory or
  • Kickstart 2.0, 1MB memory


  • original visual & sounds
  • original ghost behaviour & speed
  • 50 frames per second (PAL) even on a 68000 A500
  • all levels & bonuses & intermission sequences
  • original intro
  • joystick controlled (port 1) or keyboard controls (arrows + space)
  • can run directly from shell or from whdload (fast machines/complex configurations)
  • high score save


  • joystick directions/arrows: move ms pacman
  • space/fire button: start game/skip act (intermission) screens
  • P/second button: pause
  • F10 (or quitkey): quit to DOS
  • ESC: quit current game


  • ghosts in pen bounce slightly too fast in high levels
  • from floppy: crashes when exiting


The intermissions have been changed to "Acts". The first one shows how Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man first meet, the second shows the two chasing each other around the screen, and the third shows Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man awaiting the arrival of Junior.




  • Windows
  • python
  • Amiga NDK
  • sox (included)
  • vasm 68k (included)
  • rnc (Rob Nothen cruncher unofficial port, included)
  • besides the .bin files created from png by python, the rest of the process could be built on an amiga with phxass or some other assembler and sox for the amiga, but you have to be really mad to attempt it in 2021...)
  • could be done on Linux, just rebuild the rnc cruncher & vasm

Build process:

  • To create the ".bin" files and some palette .s asm files, from "assets" subdir, just run the "convert_sprites.py" python script, then use the "convert_sounds.py" python script (audio).
  • python and sox must be installed to be able to perform the wav2raw conversions
  • get "bitplanelib.py" (asset conversion tool needs it) at https://github.com/jotd666/amiga68ktools.git

Binary assets must be created first, then makefile must be called to create the "mspacman" program