
Generate D&D Item Cards from a YAML file using LaTeX and Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

D&D item card creator

Creates beautiful item cards from easily written YAML documents using Python and LaTeX.


animated shield +1 sword toothpick

All item information can be written into one YAML file. You don't know YAML? It's quite simple actually:

Animated Shield:
  type:                 Shield
  rarity:               very rare
  time:                 While holding
  bonus:                "+0"
  AC:                   "+2"
  description:          While holding this shield, you can speak its command word as a bonus action to cause it to animate. The shield leaps into the air and hovers in your space to protect you as if you were wielding it, leaving your hands free. The shield remains animated for 1 minute, until you use a bonus action to end this effect, or until you are incapacitated or die, at which point the shield falls to the ground or into your hand if you have one free.
+1 Sword:
  type:                 Sword
  rarity:               common
  bonus:                "+1"
  description:          |
                        Just your evereryday sword you might find in a dungeon. Like a sword, but +1. And magical.
                        Has mystic runes etched into the blade.
Toothpick of great Power:
  bonus:                "+5"
  rarity:               vary rare
  type:                 Dagger
  AC:                   "+42"
  DC:                   Animal handling 15\newline Arcana 3
  ADV:                  Wisdom SS
  time:                 Once per day
  description:          |
                        What it says on the box:
                        Just your everyday magical toothpick.
                        It helps you out with all things.
                        \textbf{I am the DM. I can do what I want!}

It is easily executed via the Python script in BASH.

./parser.py example/example_items.yaml example/example_items.pdf

The two arguments are the input YAML file and the location of the output PDF. An option -x or --tex can be supplied to copy the .tex file with the PDF for debug.

The Toothpick of great Power illustrates the flexibility of the options; the only static ones are:

  • bonus: The +1 part of Swort +1 or Shield +1.
  • type: Sword/Shield/Armor/Potion or whatever you want.
  • time: Once per day/At will/Once or whatever you want.
  • rarity: uncommon/rare or whatever you want.
  • description: The description. duh.

However all of those are optional and are accepted in any order. Every other key, that is not known will just be put in the table underneath, like the DC in the Toothpick of great Power.

You can always have a look at the sourcecode. It should be pretty robust and I did my best documenting everything and keep it understandable.

As demonstrated in the Toothpick of great Power normal LaTeX commands should work here, since it is being built as LaTeX. If you want multiline options, just use \newline to indicate... a new line.

How it works

A Python script reads the YAML and decodes it, fills in a jinja2 template of a LaTeX file and uses pdflatex to build it in a temporary directory, moves out the PDF and deletes the temporary directory.


Without further adjustment this probably only works on UNIX systems. So no Windows for now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

You will need to have LaTeX installed and also Python 3.6 (or later) with the packages jinja2 and pyyaml installed. Just use PIP for that...


The project is licensed under the MIT-License. Feel free to expand it any way you please!