
KiCad footprints and 3D models - used by Kromftronics

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

KiCad Footprint & 3D Models - Used by Kromftronics

Footprints, symbols, and 3D model libraries for KiCad, used for Kromftronics projects. Some of the 3D models are created by other people but is shareable under the GNU GPL-3.0 license.


The footprints directory contains a KiCad footprint library with .kicad_mod files.


The symbols directory contains a symbols library Kromftronics_Custom.kicad_sym which contains different non-default KiCad schematic symbols.

3D Models

The 3d-models directory contains KiCad 3D models that are used in Kromftronics projects.

3D Renders

The images directory contains 3D renders of the footprints and the 3D models.