
Fullstack website that helps businesses to schedule and customize their meetings. Built using Django, React (real-time)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Website for beauty salons, with big calendar and communcation with customers


  • Yarn ^1.22.10
  • Python ^3.8.0

Configuration Development

  • Frontend

    • In the folder frontend run yarn install to install all packages,
    • To start the server run yarn start
      The server will be available at localhost:3000
  • Backend

    • In the folder backend to create virtual enviroment run python -m venv env,
    • To activate enviroment run source env/Scripts/activate.
    • To install all the requirements run pip install -r requirements.txt
    • To start the server run python manage.py runserver
      The server will be available at localhost:8000

Configuration production

To configure project to the production build first you need to configure it to the development mode
Then in the folder frontend run yarn build

The production build will be available at localhost:8000