
Nightlife coordinator project for freeCodeCamp's backend certification

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status


Nightlife coordinator project for freeCodeCamp's backend certification

User stories

  1. As an unauthenticated user, I can view all bars in my area.
  2. As an authenticated user, I can add myself to a bar to indicate I am going there tonight.
  3. As an authenticated user, I can remove myself from a bar if I no longer want to go there.
  4. As an unauthenticated user, when I login I should not have to search again.
Technology Purpose
Npm Package manager
Express Backend web framework
Mongodb Database
Passport Authentication middleware
React Frontend library
Sass CSS preprocessor
Material-UI React's component library
Webpack Bundler
Babel Transpiler
ESLint Linter
Jest Test framework
Enzyme Testing library for React