
If you scared of AI, this project is for you! It's version of captcha made from compilation of weird images found on the internet.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


If you scared of AI, this project is for you!

It's version of captcha made from compilation of weird images found on the internet. Uses only PHP sessions for handling id of given captcha. Maybe it is unsafe, but I did'n bypassed it yet. preview I don't know why I did it.


Try demo

how to use

  1. Please don't.
  2. but

how to run client side

prepare front-end scripts

Copy 'client' directory content to your's project and include CSS style and JS script, eg.:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="client/captcha.css"/>
<script src="client/captcha.js"></script>

Insert HTML of captcha:

<div id="captcha">
      <div id="captcha-image">
        <img alt='' id="captcha-img"/>
        <div id="captcha-panels"></div>
      <div id="captcha-question"></div>
      <div id="captcha-result"></div>
      <div id="captcha-submit" onclick="submitCaptcha()">SEND</div>

You can customize it, untill you keep structure and id's. Next, add button that opens popup:

<div onclick="openCaptcha()" id="captcha-open-button">
   Prove that you aren't robot

Or you can use any element with onclick="openCaptcha()" or any other mothod that invocates openCaptcha function.

Now, you need to edit captcha.js file. All modyfications is two variables in first two lines.

  • First - targetUrl - is URL that would be open after successful captcha solve
  • Second - captchaProviderUrl - URL to server that can provide captchas and verify it solvings - look down to know how to run that server

prepare back-end script provided as targetUrl

In this script you mus call server (provided as captchaProviderUrl) with GET parameters:

  • action, value is confirm
  • captcha_session value is string provided to script by GET to this script by parameter captcha_session In response you will get JSON with result code (4 is captcha resolved or 5 at captcha incorrect, look down at response codes table) If you get code 4, you can execute own script, now confirmed by captcha. Simple example in PHP:
$captchaProviderUrl = 'https://koperek.top/captcha/server/get_captcha.php';
$ch = curl_init();
$optArray = array(
  CURLOPT_URL => $captchaProviderUrl . '?action=confirm&captcha_session=' . $_GET['captcha_session'],
curl_setopt_array($ch, $optArray);
$result = json_decode(curl_exec($ch), true);
if($result['code'] == 4)
  echo "Captcha confirmed on server side, congratulations!";
  echo "Captcha incorrect or session expired";

$captchaProviderUrl is our server.

how to run server side

You can use my server (https://kkoperek.pl/captcha/server/get_captcha.php), but I have only few captchas. or host it by yourself. Just copy server/get_captcha.php and captchas directory (to same directory). And, VoilĂ !

get_captcha.php response codes

Code Action Meaning
0 create session created successfuly
1 validate captcha answer correct
2 validate captcha answer incorrect
3 validate captcha answers limit exceed
4 confirm captcha confirmed
5 confirm captcha rejected

how to customize captchas

Add square, png-format image to captchas/images. Name it as number next at higgest number in files. For best results use 400x400px resolution. Next, create .json file (with same number). Fill it with:

{"question": "little ducks", "correct":[3,4,6,8,10,12], "minimum": 16}
  • question - what's on your's image, will be displayed as Select squares with *question*
  • correct - numbers of squares that should be selected - counting flom left to right, up to down.
  • minimum - is minimum of squares that must be selected correctly for pass the test. 16 means that all must be correct, 15 - you can make mistake by sellecting one square additional or not selecting one required. files must be named in sequence from 1 Last step is set $numOfCaptchas variable in server script (get_captcha.php, 2nd line) to number of files.

known problems

  • unlimited new captchas generation rate
  • too few captchas