
Elixir ZIP archiver with JSON API for uploads

Primary LanguageElixir


Build Status

A simple http microservice that loads a JSON data structure (like the one found below) and responds with a .zip file whose contents are each of the source url named as filename within the final .zip archive.

The service exposes a URL and responds with data as soon as possible rather than make the user wait for the entire ZIP to be created first.

Example data

    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xD0xvAJ5FCk7Di/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic001.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/l3vRfhFD8hJCiP0uQ/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic002.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xG0CiDpXqYXCz6/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic003.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xG0aignBvOhIMU/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic004.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xwooUvMqNB1zEs/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic005.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xyB3C126ZDDAuk/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic006.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xSwPT41eZOvS2A/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic007.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xAsuv5apu2cVws/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic008.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/l3vR7ACppQS71ngUU/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic009.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xSD5WkRNG1R6x2/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic010.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/3oz8xzYXuCWF1IXv68/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic011.gif"
    "url": "https://media.giphy.com/media/l3vRfjcp7VMSZwbGo/giphy.gif",
    "filename": "pic012.gif"


Language & Libraries

First of all, make sure you have Elixir installed by covering the official installation guide on your machine.

Once you have it, you can install and compile all dependencies by running:

mix do deps.get, deps.compile

Finally, you are able to build the project itself like:

mix compile


To start the application Phoenix server, run:

mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


To prepare you application for production, you can use Dockerfile for that. It will require you have Docker installed locally.

To build a Docker image, execute the following command:

docker build . -t zipper:latest

Once built, you are able to push it to a remote repository as:

docker push zipper:latest

It assumes you are authorized and logged in to a Docker registry.

Platform as a Service

From the deployment options, you can choose for example:

Depending on your needs and complexity of your application.


There are two available endpoints for your use:



The url for the upload is:

POST /archives


The payload should be an array - a list of objects with a url of a file to be downloaded and a filename to save this file as.

    "url": "",
    "filename": ""


The result will be a payload with 202 accepted with archive_name that you will be able to download once it's created.

  "archive_name": ""



The url for the download is:

GET /archives/<archive_name>

With the archive_name parameter obtained from the download endpoint.


There's no need to provide any additional data nor query parameters for the request.


The result can be the following:

  1. 202 accepted when the archive is still being prepared
  2. 404 not found when there's no archive available with the given name
  3. 200 ok with the archive to download