
Standalone Linux IO Tracer (iotrace) is a tool for block device and filesystem I/O tracing

Primary LanguageCBSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseBSD-3-Clause-Clear

Standalone Linux IO Tracer

Standalone Linux IO Tracer (iotrace) is a tool for block device I/O tracing and management of created traces

For each I/O to target device(s) basic metadata information is captured (IO operation type, address, size), supplemented with extended classification. Extended classification contains information about I/O type (direct / filesystem metadata / file) and target file attributes(e.g. file size).

iotrace is based on Open CAS Telemetry Framework (OCTF). Collected traces are stored in OCTF trace location. Traces can later be converted to JSON or CSV format.

iotrace consists of a kernel tracing module (iotrace.ko) and an executable (iotrace) with command line interface.

In this readme:

Supported OS

Right now the compilation of Standalone Linux IO Tracer is tested on the following OSes:

OS Version Comment
RHEL/CentOS 7.6
Ubuntu 18.04 Experimental
Fedora 30 Experimental


You can find the Markdown version of the man page for iotrace here. The man page is also installed during installation.

Source Code

Source code is available in the official Standalone Linux IO Tracer GitHub repository:

git clone https://github.com/open-cas/standalone-linux-io-tracer
cd standalone-linux-io-tracer



To get stable version of iotrace checkout latest release:

git clone https://github.com/Open-CAS/standalone-linux-io-tracer/
cd standalone-linux-io-tracer
git checkout $(git tag | grep "^v[[:digit:]]*.[[:digit:]]*.[[:digit:]]*$" | tail -1)

But if you are going to develop iotrace, it is ok to checkout master branch.


  • To build and use Standalone Linux IO Tracer, setup prerequisites first in the following way:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
    sudo ./setup_dependencies.sh

    Installed dependencies include OCTF, Google Protocol Buffers, CMake and Google Test. The dependencies are either installed with yum/apt or installed to a dedicated directory /opt/octf/ to avoid overwriting already installed ones.


Both the executable and the kernel module (and OCTF if submodule is present) are built with:



Both the executable and the kernel module (and OCTF if submodule is present) are installed with:

sudo make install


  • Start tracing two block devices for 1 hour, or until trace file is 1GiB:

    sudo iotrace --start-trace --devices /dev/sda,/dev/sdb1 --time 3600 --size 1024

    NOTE: To allow tracing of block devices, Linux kernel tracing module needs to be loaded first. It is done automatically. After collecting traces the module will be unloaded.

  • List created traces:

    iotrace --list-traces


    "trace": [
       "tracePath": "kernel/2019-05-10_15:24:21",
       "state": "COMPLETE"
  • Parse traces (note usage of path returned in --list-traces):

    iotrace --parse-trace --path "kernel/2019-05-10_15:24:21" --format json




See our tests README


Please refer to the OCTF contributing guide.

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