a) The receiving data on deliveries to be made by 1 truck and on sections between warehouses: generating all possible trajectories through sequences of warehouses where deliveries must be made:

b) Evaluate these trajectories according to the time to complete all deliveries and return to the Matosinhos base warehouse and choose the solution that allows the truck to return sooner:

c) Increase the dimension of the problem (putting more warehouses to be visited) and verify to what extent it is feasible to proceed in the adopted way (with a generator of all the solutions) by carrying out a study of the complexity of the problem:

d) Implement heuristics that can quickly generate a solution (not necessarily the best one) and evaluate the quality of these heuristics (for example, deliver to the nearest warehouse; then deliver with greater mass; combine distance for delivery with mass delivered):


Representation of citites by knowledge base "idStore":

First parameter is the name of city, where is the store, the second one is the index of city which will be using later

Representation of distances between every citites by knowledge base "dist":

On the upper ss we can see part of the knowledge base with all distances from Arouca, analogously it's looking for the rest of cities. First parameter is the index of the initial city, second parameter is the distance to final city and third parameter is the index of the final city

Representation of the trucks and theirs characteristic:

Knowledge base "truck" define every truck with the parameter which defines truck's name. Knnowledge base "characteristicsTruck" stores truck's name, truck's tare, maximum load capacity, capacity of the full load battery(in kwh), maximum distance w/o charging, time to charge battery from 20% to 80% in the order from the left

Representation of data about path between every 2 cities, which is necessary to calculate the best solution:

On the upper ss we can see part of the knowledge base with all data for paths from Arouca, analogously it's looking for the rest of cities. The knowledge base "PathData" stores truck's name, index of the initial city, index of the final city, time needed to drive all road, battery's energy used to drive all road, potential extra time to recharge battery for avoiding level less than 20% in the order from the left

Representation of deliveries for which we're gonna calculate optimal solution:

The knowledge base "delivery" stores index of delivery, date(YYYYMMDD) of the delivery, mass of the delivery which will be receive in considering warehouse, index of the city, where will be receive delivery, time needed to place delivery on the truck, time needed to put off delivery from the truck in the order of the left side

Represenation of the city where trucks start and finish day of work by knowledege base "factory":

In our case is always Matosinhos, which have index number 5


To make the task easier, we part it for two phases. The goal of the first one is to find optimal sequence of deliveries disregarding battery. The algorithm, which we're using to find optimal solution is the TSP, i.e. the best permutation of all considering deliveries.

First function which we made for phase 1 is "sum_weight(List of cities,List of weights, sum of weights all cities to current)", which for puting list of citites will return us the weight of the deliveries to current city in the queue and the sum of all weights::

Meaning of variables:
City - index of the city for which function adding weight to sum and list of the weights
LC - list of cities after "City"
WeightCurrent - sum of the weight of "City" and cities before
LW - list of sum weights to cities considering before WeightCurrent1 - sum of the weight of cities before
Weight - weight of "City"

Second function is add_TruckWeight(Weight to add, List of the weights, List of the weights including first param), for putting some weight and list of the weights returns us the new list of the weight enlarged by first param:

Meaning of variables:
Tare - value of the added weight
Weight - value of the considering weight from the input list
LW - the weights after "Weight" in the input list
TruckWeight - sum of the input value and considering weight from the input list
LWT - list of the weight enlarged by first param before "Weight"

The next one function is calculate_cost(List of cities, cost value) with ancillary function cost(List of cities, List of the weights, cost value), which for putting list of the cities returns the cost of the road in given order. Anicillary function is needed to include truck weight on the road in our calculations

Meaning of variables:
LC - list of the cities
Cost - final cost to do deliveries in order from 1 param
LW - list of deliveries's weight to every next stop
Tare - truck's weight
LWT - "LW" enlarged by "Tare"
F - index of city, which is our factory
LCcomplete - list of the cities including start and finish in factory
cost: C1 - city where the truck starts next part of the road
C2 - city where the truck finishes next part of the road
LC - list of citites after "C2"
WT - weight of the truck with deliveries on the road between "C1" and "C2"
LWT - list of the truck's weight on the next parts of the road
Cost - cost of the road from "C1" to factory
Cost1 - cost of the road from "C2" to factory
T - time needed to drive from "C1" to "C2"
Ta - truck's weight
ML - maximum load capacity of the truck

So final cost is calculated by multiple time with weight of the truck's road and divide by max possible weight of the truck with deliveries for every stop

Now, when we can calculate cost for every sequence it's time to find minimal value from all permutations:

Meaning of variables:
LC - list of the best sequence
Cost - value of the minimal cost
City - index of city which participate in any of considering deliveries
LCPerm - list of all permutations
CostMin - minimal cost found in every sequence before considering one

Function at the start finds all unique cities from deliveries and return to us by the list, then returns to us list of all possible sequence, calculates cost for all and if the cost is lower than current minimal one, defines minimal cost like a this one(also current sequence like a LC) and write this value in console

Ok, phase 1 is working well. Now it's time to include energy. We can use "sum_weights" and "add_truckWeight" from phase 1, but we need to modify "calculate_cost" and "seq_cost_min"

Let's start with "calculate_cost_2", which is really similar to first version. Only differnces are add 3 param which stores cities where battery was charged and define energy of the truck. So we're gonna focus at the ancillary function cost_2:

Meaning of variables:
S1 - city where the truck starts next part of the road
S2 - city where the truck finishes next part of the road
LS - list of citites after "S2"
WT - weight of the truck with deliveries on the road between "S1" and "S2"
LWT - list of the truck's weight on the next parts of the road
CEnergy - truck's energy in the moment of set out from "S1"
Time - Time needed for road from "S1" to factory
LCharging - list of cities, where battery was charged on road from "S1" to factory
T - time for drive from "S1" to "S2"
En - Energy used for drive from "S1" to "S2"
Ex_T - potential needed extra time for charge battery in case if it can be lower than 20% for drive from "S1" to "S2"
Ta - truck's weight
ML - maximum load capacity of the truck
E - maximum truck's battery energy
TCharge - time of battery charging from 20% to 80%
NEn - real energy, which is gonna be used for drive from "S1" to "S2"
TCharge1 - time needed to charge battery before going for next part of the road
E1 - energy, which truck will have in moment of the start from S2
LPreviousCharges - list of cities where battery was charged on road from "S2" to factory
Time1 - Time needed for road from "S2" to factory
Ex1_T - "Ex_T" including case when S1 is factory and truck has 100% battery(no 80% or less)
RT - time for received delivery in "S1"

So now when we know what variables mean is time to explain this tricky function. We're considering 2 options: it's necessary to charge battery or not. First option is when current energy - real needed energy is less than 20% of battery energy, then before charging we need to check if "S2" is our factory. In that case we don't need to charge battery to 80% but only to the value, which is enough to finish with 20%. At the end we need to remember that we can charge battery in the same time as receive delivery so we add to time only max of these two

Function "min_time_seq" is almost the same like the "seq_cost_min". Now we have also list of the cities when battery was charged, calculation including energy, and time measurement by "get_time", which will be useful for next task


We prepared table which analyzes complexity and viability of TSP solution broadening problem:

Like we can see, for number of warehouses 8 or less, the solution is almost immediate, for 9/10 we have to wait accordingly 10 sec and 2min but obviously it's still worthy. Next step needs around 25min so this is the moment when we're starting thinking is it the best solution. But in our opinion yes, beacuse it would be really tough to find heuristic with result time closer than 25min to best permutation, so it's still some time gain. For 12 warehouses time to find optimal solution is around 5 hours. I think everyone can agree that it's too long and also we could have some troubles with stack limit


Like we saw earlier, TSP is working good but only for a small data and we need optimal solution for large data too. To solve this problem, we can use a couple of the heuristics and find the best. We're gonna present 3 ideas:
Distance heuristic - The goal is to choose always the city of the remaining with the shortest distance:

Meaning of functions:
distance_heuristic(Time, List of charging, Final List) - Our main function which return us final time using this idea, list of cities where battery was charged, list with sequence of cities using this idea
distance_queue(List of cities, List of cities, Result List, Modified List, Last Value) - function which for list of citites returns reverse sequence of cities to distance heuristic
list_delete(Element, List of cities, New list of cities) - function which return list from 2 param without param 1
find_the_closet(City 1, List of cities, Lower distance, The closet city) - function which return from list of cities this one, which is the closet to param 1
Meaning of variables:
Time - final time
LCharging - list of cities, where the battery was charged
FL - sequence for our solution
Ti - initial time
City - index of city which participate in any of considering deliveries
LC - list of all "City"
SP - index of the city, where is our factory
NL - reverse sequence of the cities to solution
NL1 - sequence of the cities to solution
LW - list of deliveries's weight to every next stop
Tare - truck's weight
Energy - truck's battery energy
LWT - list of the final truck's weight for every stop
LComplete - list of cities including factory
Tf - time of the finish
T - solution's time

C - city closet to factory
NLC - list of cities w/o "C"
V - city which was added to sequence in current step
LC1 - list of cities w/o one more (the second param is just equivalent of the counter)
C2 - the closet city in current step
LC2 - list of sequence made in earlier steps
NLC1 - list of cities which left to add to our sequence
V1 - city for which we're finding the closet one i current step
NC - the closet city to "V1"
LC3 - "NLC1" w/o "NC"

Elem - element to delete
T - the tail of the list when "Elem" is a head
H - head of the list when it isnt "Elem"
U - tail of the new list when "Elem" isn't head

C1 - index of the city for which we're searching the closet one
C - current closet city
V - value of the distance with current closet city
Va - distance between "C1" and "C"
CC - current considering city if there's left more than 1
LC - list of citites w/o "CC"
Val - distance between "C1" and "CC"
V1 - value of the distance with closet city before current one
C2 - closet city before current one

Weight heuristic - The goal is to choose always the city of the remaining with the heaviest delivery:

Meaning of functions:
weight_heuristic(Time, List of charging, Final List) - Our main function which return us final time using this idea, list of cities where battery was charged, list with sequence of cities using this idea
weight_queue(List of cities, List of cities, Result List, Modified List) - function which for list of cities returns sequence of cities to weight heuristic
find_the_lightest(List of cities, "Lightest" city, The lighter weight value) - function which return from list of cities this one, which have the lightest weight of the delivery
Meaning of variables:
Time - final time
LCharging - list of cities, where the battery was charged
FL - sequence for our solution
Ti - initial time
City - index of city which participate in any of considering deliveries
LC - list of all "City"
SP - index of the city, where is our factory
NL - sequence of the cities to solution
LW - list of deliveries's weight to every next stop
Tare - truck's weight
Energy - truck's battery energy
LWT - list of the final truck's weight for every stop
LComplete - list of cities including factory
Tf - time of the finish
T - solution's time

C1/C2 - the lightest city from all
C/C1 - the lightest city from remaining
NLC - list of cities w/o "C" or "C1"
LC1 - list of all cities
FL - list of final sequence made before current step
NLC1 - list of cities which left to add to our sequence
LC3 - "NLC1" w/o "C1"

C - current "lightest" city
V - value of the weight "C"'s delivery
H - current considering city
LC - list of citites w/o "H"
W - weight of "C" delivery
V1 - value of the lightest delivery before current one
C1 - "lightest" city before current one

Combine heuristic - The goal is to choose always the city of the remaining with the best combine of distance and weight value, we're calculating dividing distance by weight and the lowest value is the best:

Meaning of functions:
combine_heuristic(Time, List of charging, Final List) - Our main function which return us final time using this idea, list of cities where battery was charged, list with sequence of cities using this idea
combine_queue(List of cities, List of cities, Result List, Modified List, Last Value) - function which for list of citites returns reverse sequence of cities to combine heuristic
find_the_lowest(City 1, List of cities, Lower value, The best city) - function which return from list of cities this one, which have the best combine's value to param 1
calculate_combine_cost(City 1, City 2, Value) - function which calculate for 2 inputs cities their combine value
Meaning of variables:
Time - final time
LCharging - list of cities, where the battery was charged
FL - sequence for our solution
Ti - initial time
City - index of city which participate in any of considering deliveries
LC - list of all "City"
SP - index of the city, where is our factory
NL - reverse sequence of the cities to solution
NL1 - sequence of the cities to solution
LW - list of deliveries's weight to every next stop
Tare - truck's weight
Energy - truck's battery energy
LWT - list of the final truck's weight for every stop
LComplete - list of cities including factory
Tf - time of the finish
T - solution's time

C - city with the best combine value to factory
NLC - list of cities w/o "C"
V - city which was added to sequence in current step
LC1 - list of cities w/o one more (the second param is just equivalent of the counter)
C2 - city with the best combine value in current step
LC2 - list of sequence made in earlier steps
NLC1 - list of cities which left to add to our sequence
V1 - city for which we're finding city with the best combine value in current step
NC - city with the best combine value to "V1"
LC3 - "NLC1" w/o "NC"

C1 - index of the city for which we're searching the best one
C - current best city
V - combine value with current best city
Va - combine value between "C1" and "C"
CC - current considering city if there's left more than 1
LC - list of citites w/o "CC"
Val - combine value "C1" and "CC"
V1 - combine value with best city before current one
C2 - best city before current one

C1 - initial City
C2 - final City
V - combine value between "C1" and "C2"
D - distance between "C1" and "C2"
W - weight of delivery to "C2"


To compare heuristics, find the best one and judge when they're better than TSP we prepared this table:

For 12 warehouses we chase The Combined Heuristic just because spend 5 hours for TSP solution is too much in our opinion. We can notice Weight Heuristic wasn't the best idea, there's a huge differnce between this one and other heuristics. The rest two heuristics are quite close to best time and we can also see the more of warehouses, there are closer to optimal value, thus we think for large data these two would be almost like a optimal, especially combine. Because combine heuristic gives the impression being better than distance along with the increase of the warehouses


We can learn from this task, that it isn't always possible to invent algorithm, which will find best solutions of all possibilites with human time and w/o torturing our computer. When we're talking about NP-Problems even 12 elements could be too much. In that case we need to go for the compromise and decline for the most acurate solution to find some other a lot of faster. In such a case, heurestics come to the rescue. We could notice that relevant choose of heuristics is really important. Like in our example, if our company used the combine or distances heuristics, we would work very efficiently. But if we used the weight heuristic, we probably would go bankrupt after one month... In our opinion it's great idea to comapre a lot of heuristics and choose the best one