
Primary LanguagePython


An awesome second hand website.

About The Project

Project created in order to learn new technologies: Django, Bootstrap, SQLite, JavaScript. The idea of project is close to my heart: eco-friendly, cheap and fun - second hand clothing.

Functionality Of The Project:

Looking Through Items

Items are added by admin user in conventional Django admin page. User can scroll through items and view details about them. Details will diverge from one another because of item category e.g. if the item belongs to category 'shoes' it will show shoe size instead of clothing size. nexttry3


Every user can register into website in order to access functionality like adding items to cart or to favorite items. Registration form is secured with simple captcha test. nexttryregister

Registration process takes few seconds this is due to sending welcoming email message. Email is sent by 'company' email account with information about user, like in this example his name which is collected from typical django form. registerMail

Signing In / Logging Out

Of course after registration user can comeback anytime he/she wants, from any device. nexttryloginout

Search For Item

Every user can search through items by name or by category. nexttrysearch

Cart And Favourties

Authenticated users are able to add or delete from list of items in cart or in favorites. nexttryadding

Buying Item

Finally authenticated users can go to checkout page in which they fill the form about address details. After filling the form they get option to 'make payment' which would show their payment options if it wouldnt be for only a project. nexttrybuying

Mobile View

Project is created using bootstrap which enables easy to make mobile device pages.



Project uses SQLite database which is conventional Django db for small projects. Every form filled by user is saved here.

Zrzut ekranu 2022-06-18 172134

Design and Code by Micota Kamil

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