A CLI tool for extracting a gettext POT file from multiple JS source files using react-globe
npm install react-globe-cli --save
# Go through all the files and extract the translations into the output file
react-globe-cli --files='./src/**/*.js' --output='templates.pot'
Note: Make sure you are running this on unminified source code, since it requires the
function calls to keep their names. It should be fine with parsing es2015 and jsx code, but if you are using bleeding edge (e.g. thestage-0
babel plugin) you will have to pre-compile that.
Input (JS)
// ...
t('Hello World')
// ...
// ...
tPlural({one: 'One potato', many: '{{count}} potatoes'}, {count: 10})
Output (POT)
msgid "Hello World"
msgstr ""
msgid "Sup!"
msgstr ""
msgid "One potato"
msgid_plural "{{count}} potatoes"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
You can also use parts of this as programmatic APIs, if you wish so:
const extract = require('react-globe-cli/extract')
extract(string) // -> ['Text', 'Text2', ['Singular', 'Plural']]
const convert = require('react-globe-cli/convert')
convert(extractedArray) // -> gettext file as a string, ready for writing
This module uses debug.
DEBUG='react-globe-cli' react-globe-cli --files='./src/**/*.js' --output='templates.pot'