
Forward all arguments using click without any parsing and without --

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Forward all click arguments without any parsing and any options from the first non-option positional argument.

See pallets/click#2686


This change introduces a new clickforward.FORWARD argument type, which stops the parser from further parsing arguments. Is it now possible to forward arguments without any parsing.

Set the argument with nargs=-1 and type=clickforward.FORWARD to perfectly capture all arguments.

Example implementation of docker run` command:

import clickforward
import click

@click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True)
def docker(verbose):

@click.option("-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True)
@click.option("-u", "--user")
@click.argument("command", nargs=-1, type=clickforward.FORWARD)
def run(verbose, user, image, command):
    cmdline: List[str] = (
        + ["run"]
        + ([f"-u{user}"] if user else [])
        + [image]
        + list(command)
    click.echo(" ".join(shlex.quote(x) for x in cmdline))


Allows for forwarding sh --help -u -v to the docker container.

$ python ./docker.py -v run -u kamil alpine sh --help -u -v
['docker', 'run', '-ukamil', 'alpine', 'sh', '--help', '-u', '-v']

How it works

The act of importing the module replaces the click.parser.OptionParser parsing function of arguments with custom logic.

I have only tested with click==8.1.7.


Written by Kamil Cukrowski