immediately = forthwith

cautious = circumspect

notice = heed:pay head to

different => in stark contrast to


problem = conundrum

fall => slump

give = bestow

disobedient = fractious

bother = plague

informative = telltale

true => axiomatic

unintended = inadvertent

request => entreaty

dangerous => hazardous

hunger for knowledge = voracious for knowledge

prevent = stave off

encourage = embolden

relate to = pertain to

native = indigenous

avoid = eschew

forgive = condone

replace = supplant

determine = dictate

discuss with = confer with

considering = in light of

harm = detriment

heavy = weighty

tired = jaded

provident = prudent

confused = nonplussed

careful = scrupulous

lack = dearth

worthless = nugatory

filled with = replete with

placate = mollify

perfect = impeccable

almost = nothing short of

however, = nevertheless = notwithstanding = despite

unwilling to = loath to

clear = lucid

restrict = circumscribe

hopeful = rosy

unpredictable = capricious

hostile = antagonistic

be attracted to = gravitate to

deplorable = reprehensible

credulous = gullible

persistent = tenacious

clichéd = hackneyed

anger = rile

misleading = specious

harmless = innocuous

abandon = dispense with

torpor = lassitude

cite = adduce

trite = banal

harshness = asperity

timely = providential

reveal = divulge

connection = linkage

arrogant = haughty

consequential = resultant

expendable = dispensable

ignore = disregard

reject = rebuff

long = lengthy

equal = tantamount

chide = rebuke

wary = chary

circumvent = cleverly bypass

convincing = cogent

ramification = consequence

careful = scrupulous

evoke = conjure up

make = render

underestimate = discount = dismiss

guess = divine = surmise

entrance = enthral

fugitive = fleeting

try my best to = endeavor