
Drawing with Microsoft Excel

Primary LanguagePython


Drawing with Microsoft Excel


Package requirement

Please install all required packages first if you do not have opencv and openpyxl.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Draw a 2D image

$ python3 main_image.py --image $image_source

With this command, a output.xlsx will be generated.

Parameter Default Description
--reduce 1 to reduce the resolution ([H, W] -> [H / r, W / ])
--sheet art sheet name
--output output.xlsx output .xlsx name

Generate a video

$ python3 main_video.py --video $video_source

With this command, a output.xlsx will be generated.

Parameter Default Description
--reduce 1 to reduce the resolution ([H, W] -> [H / r, W / ])
--sheet art sheet name
--output output.xlsx output .xlsx name