[ECCV 2022] URUST: Ultra-high-resolution unpaired stain transformation via Kernelized Instance Normalization

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

[ECCV 2022] URUST: Ultra-high-resolution unpaired stain transformation via Kernelized Instance Normalization

We invented a kernelized instance normalization module enabling ultra-resolution unpaired stain transformation.
Authors: Ming-Yang Ho*, Min-Sheng Wu, and Che-Ming Wu (* corresponding author)
Affiliation: aetherAI, Taipei, Taiwan

KIN Anime


We have released v0 that can reproduce experiments mentioned in our paper or be used in your application and study.


  • Python 3.8.6
  • All the required packages are listed in the requirements.txt.

Quick instruction

A simple example is provided for you here. Or you can jump to the next section to train a model for your own dataset. All the steps here will help you train a model with CUT framework.

Prepare dataset

    • A public dataset ANHIR is used in this project. Please first download it from the offical website and put ANHIR2019/dataset_medium/breast_1/scale-20pc/HE.jpg and ANHIR2019/dataset_medium/breast_1/scale-20pc/ER.jpg in data/example/ folder. We would like to transfer HE (domain X) to ER (domain Y).
  • Kyoto-summer2autumn
    • Due to the lack of dataset consists of high-resolution, we collected and released a dataset named Kyoto-summer2autumn to facilitate further studies. Please download this dataset via the following link.

Take a look at the config.yaml

The whole pipeline is heavily dependent on the config.yaml. Please take a look at the ./data/example/config.yaml first to understand what are necessary during training and testing process. You can easily train your own model with your own dataset by modifiying the config.yaml.


  1. It is recommended to manually crop a center part from HE.jpg and ER.jpg first as the main contents are surrounded by a lot of unnecessary blank region, which will increase the training time but make the distribution hard to be learned.
  2. Assume these two images are cropped and place at ./data/example/HE_cropped.jpg and ./data/example/ER_cropped.jpg.
  3. Execute the following script to crop patches for training and testing.
python3 crop_pipeline.py -c ./data/example/config.yaml


  1. Train the model
python3 train.py -c ./data/example/config.yaml
  1. Wait for the model training
  • Some transfered examples will be generated during training. Please check the ./experiments/example_CUT/train/ folder.


As the testing data have been cropped during the first step, we can skip this step here.

python3 transfer.py -c config_example.yaml --skip_cropping

The output will be in the ./experiments/example_CUT/test/HE_cropped/ folder. The following is an example of output file structure.

└── example_CUT
    ├── test
    │   └── HE_cropped
    │       ├── combined_in_30.png
    │       ├── combined_kin_30_constant_5.png
    │       ├── combined_tin_30.png
    │       ├── in
    │       │   └── 30
    │       ├── kin
    │       │   └── 30
    │       │       └── constant_5
    │       └── tin
    │           └── 30
    └── train

Train your own model with your own dataset

  1. Create a folder in ./data/
  2. Put a config.yaml in ./data/$your_folder/
  3. Modify config.yaml
  4. Prepare images (domain X) and images in (domain Y) in ./data/$your_folder/.
  5. Crop those images into patches.
  • If there is only one image in each domain
python3 crop_pipeline.py -c ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml
  • Multiple images belong to one domain: you should use crop.py to crop each image and save those patches in the same folder (trainX, trainY)
python3 crop.py -i ./data/$your_folder/$image_a -o ./data/$your_folder/trainX/ --thumbnail_output ./data/$your_folder/trainX/
python3 crop.py -i ./data/$your_folder/$image_b -o ./data/$your_folder/trainX/ --thumbnail_output ./data/$your_folder/trainX/
  • Multiple images belong to one domain: for the testing data, it is recommended to seperate patches belong to different image in different folder.
python3 crop.py -i ./data/$your_folder/$test_a -o ./data/$your_folder/$test_a/ --stride 512 --thumbnail_output ./data/example/$test_a/
python3 crop.py -i ./data/$your_folder/$test_b -o ./data/$your_folder/$test_b/ --stride 512 --thumbnail_output ./data/example/$test_b/
  1. Modify TRAINING_SETTING section in ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml, especially the TRAIN_DIR_X and TRAIN_DIR_Y.
  2. Train the model
python3 train.py -c ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml
  1. Inference
  • If you have only one image requires inference: modify INFERENCE_SETTING section in ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml, especially the TEST_X and TEST_DIR_X. Then,
python3 transfer.py -c ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml --skip_cropping
  • If you have only many images requires inference: assume you have finishing cropping each testing image in separated folder. Please modify TEST_X and TEST_DIR_X in the INFERENCE_SETTING section and execute the following script for each image.
python3 transfer.py -c ./data/$your_folder/config.yaml --skip_cropping

Inference options

Besides kernelized instance normalization, thumbnail instance normalization and instance normalization are also provided.

Kernelized instance normalization


      TYPE: "kin"
      PADDING: 1
      KERNEL_TYPE: "constant"  # constant or gaussian
      KERNEL_SIZE: 3

Thumbnail instance normalization

Please provide the path of the THUMBNAIL.

      TYPE: "tin"
  THUMBNAIL: "./data/example/testX/thumbnail.png"

Instance normalization

Specification of NORMALIZATION.TYPE: in is enough.

      TYPE: "in"

Training framework options

Besides CUT, LSeSim and CycleGAN are also provided. For each experiment, you should rename EXPERIMENT_NAME to avoid overwritting.


Has been described above.



Specify in the config.yaml.



Please use F-LSeSim, which is subtly modifed from the offical implementation.

  1. Training and testing data can be prepared in the current ./data/ where you might have already created during training other models. Duplicated work is not required.
  2. Modify your config.yaml. Please set Augment to True for L-LSeSim or False for F-LSeSim.
  Augment: True #LSeSim
    It is recommended to use absolute path to avoid any modification when change to different frameworks.
# Example 1
EXPERIMENT_ROOT_PATH: "./experiments/" 
# Change to
EXPERIMENT_ROOT_PATH: "../experiments/" 

# Example 2
  TRAIN_ROOT: "./data/example/"
# Change to
  TRAIN_ROOT: "../data/example/"
  1. Move to ./F-LSeSim.
cd ./F-LSeSim
  1. Run script
./scripts/train_sc.sh $path_to_yaml
  • e.g.
./scripts/train_sc.sh ./../data/example/config.yaml
  • Then the model weights and generated samples will be in ./F-LSeSim/checkpoints/$EXPERIMENT_NAME
  1. Inference
./scripts/transfer_sc.sh $path_to_yaml
  • e.g.
./scripts/transfer_sc.sh ./../data/example/config.yaml
  • The generated images will be in ./experiments/$EXPERIMENT_NAME


1. Human evaluation study

We open-source the web server for human evaluation study. Researchers can easily modify the config to conduct their human evaluation study.

2. Comparison between two distributions (WITH REFERENCE)

Given two folders pathA and pathB that store the original and generated images within the same domain, following metrics will be calculated.

  • FID
python3 metric_images_with_ref.py --path-A $pathA --path-B $pathB

If images are stored in multiple folders, please concatenate those paths with delimiters of ,.

python3 metric_images_with_ref.py --path-A $pathA1,$pathA2,... --path-B $pathB1,$pathB2,...

3. For two whole images (WITH REFERENCE)

  • Histogram correlation
python3 metric_whole_image_with_ref.py --image_A_path $path_to_ref_image --image_B_path $path_to_compared_image

4. For single whole image (NO REFERENCE)

Please refer to the implementation of NIQE and PIQE calcuations in this repo.

  • Sobel gradient
  • NIQE
  • PIQE
python3 metric_whole_image_no_ref.py --path $image_path

Prove of concept

Script has been provided to visualize the relationship between thumbnail's features and patches' features, which shows that the concept using the same mean and variance calcuated from the thumbnail is incorrect and patches nearby each other share similar features. concept concept Please specify the image that would be tested in the inference part of config.yaml. Then:

python3 appendix/proof_of_concept.py -c $path_to_config_file

Generated images would be saved in ./proof_of_concept/


We thank Chao-Yuan Yeh, the CEO of aetherAI, for pro- viding computing resources, which enabled this study to be performed, and Cheng-Kun Yang for his revision suggestions.
Besides our novel kernelized instance normalizatio module, we use CycleGAN, Contrastive Unpaired Translation (CUT) as our backbone, and LSeSim. For the CUT model, please refer to the official implementation here. This code is a simplified version revised from wilbertcaine's implementation.