
Primary LanguageJava


Update to version 4.0. Add calibration mode.
This is an app for calculating vancomycin peak and trough concentration by patient's clinical data.

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User guide

Different Ccr is calculated based on if height is given or not.

If patient's height is available, Ideal Body Weight(IBW) would be calculated first then compare with patient's real weight.
Then, according to the comparison, Adjusted Body Weight, Ideal Body Weight, or original given weight used to calculated for Ccr would be showed.

Otherwise, CCr would be calculated by given weight directly.

For Ccr calculation

Ccr could be calculated by Age, Weight, Gender, Crea, (Height) and showed directly with or without data of vancomycin.

To range pt's weight

After adding height data, whether patient is overweight, underweight, or in normal range would be showed.

For Vancomycin peak and trough concentration

As vancomycin dosage and frequency are added, peak and trough concentration would be calculcated.
css p0: real peak concentration
css peak: concentration 2 hr after peak one
css trough: real trough concentration





Adjusted Body Weight(ABW)

Def of overweight

Def of underweight




Vancomycin Vd



Css peak (t=0)

Css peak (t=2)

Css trough