BlogBurst Backend

Welcome to BlogBurst Backend - Your Platform for Building Blogs!

BlogBurst Backend is a straightforward solution for building and managing blogs. It provides the essential tools you need to create and share your stories effectively.

API Documentation

Explore the API documentation for BlogBurst Backend: (will be added soon)


Get insights into the data model used in BlogBurst Backend: Model


User Management

  • Registration: Users can register for an account with their email and password.
  • Login: Registered users can log in to their accounts using their credentials.

Post Management

  • Create Post: Users can create new posts, providing a title, slug, featured image, status, and content.
  • Edit Post: Users can edit their existing posts, modifying the title, slug, featured image, status, and content.
  • Delete Post: Users can delete their posts.
  • View Posts: Users can view all posts, including their own and posts by other users.

Relationship Management

  • Post Ownership: Each post is associated with a user, indicating the owner of the post.
  • User Posts: Users can view all posts associated with their account.

Additional Features

  • Authentication: User authentication is implemented to ensure secure access to the platform.
  • Authorization: Users have appropriate permissions to perform actions on their posts.
  • Slug Generation: Slugs are automatically generated based on the post title to create SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Image Upload: Users can upload featured images for their posts.

Technologies Used

BlogBurst Backend leverages the following technologies to provide robust functionality:

  • Node.js:

    • Powers the backend logic with its efficient event-driven architecture.
  • Express.js:

    • Provides a minimalist and flexible web application framework for building RESTful APIs.
  • MongoDB:

    • Offers a scalable and flexible NoSQL database solution for storing and managing application data.
  • Cloudinary:

    • Simplifies image management and storage for seamless integration of media content. (Note: You must have a Cloudinary account for usage.)

Installation and Setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

  2. Navigate to the Project Directory:

    • cd [Your Project Directory]
  3. Install Dependencies:

    • npm install
  4. Set up environment variables:

    • Create a .env in root of project and fill in the required values in the .env file using .env.sample file
  5. Run the Project:

    • npm run dev


If you wish to contribute to this project, please feel free to contribute.