Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Some Basic Features:

Switch in real-time between light and dark mode - persists preference across app restarts. Responsive to landscape and portrait modes. When in landscape mode, can switch between showing chart or expenses list. Adaptive interface that changes buttons and toolbar depending on whether the user is on Android or IOS.

drawing drawing

Rum the app on your machine

Clone this repository or download the zip file. Connect your Android or Apple device to your local machine and make sure it is in developer mode (Android) or it is trusted (Apple). Alternatively, you can open a virtual device in Android Studio and/or Xcode.
In a command line, go to the project directory on your computer (wherever your cloned it to, or extracted the zip file) and type: flutter pub get In the same command line, in the same directory, type: flutter run