Password Generator


Having a strong password provides essential protection from fraud, identity theft, and even security breaches in any company. Many of us choose passwords that are easy for us to remember because they hold personal value. We choose wedding anniversaries, or a birthday of someone special. According to Secure Data Recovery, the most common way that hackers break into computers is through guessing passwords.

Do any of your password hold special or personal value to you? Can someone easily guess your password?

If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, then this application is for you.

I have created a password generator that composes a customized, yet randomized password that generates based off the criteria you have selected. With this application, you have the ability to choose how long you would like your password, as long as it is between 8 and 128 characters. Those characters can contain uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. Each password is then randomized based off the criteria selected, without the likeihood of getting the same password twice.



However, if you would prefer to not have all of the options included in your password, you have the option to leave it out by simply selecting "cancel" when prompted. If you choose to not specify at least one character, you will receive an error as such:


Likewise, if you fail to choose a length or choose a length outside the range of 8-128, you will get a message that looks like this:


This page was created using Github Pages.


I highly recommend that once you have generated your password, you write it down and place it in a safe place as it can be easy to forget such a complex password.