Age-Gender Detection with FastAPI

This project is a FastAPI application that predicts age and gender from uploaded images. It utilizes OpenCV for face detection and neural networks for age and gender predictions.


  • Docker

Setup & Installation

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone Age-Gender-Detection
    cd Age-Gender-Detection
  2. Build the Docker image:

    docker build -t fastapi_app .
  3. Run the container:

    docker run -p 8000:8000 fastapi_app
  4. After executing the above command, your FastAPI application should be running on


  • Send a POST request to with an image file attached. The API will return the predicted age and gender.

    Example Response:

        {"gender": "Male", "age": "(25-32)"},
        {"gender": "Female", "age": "(15-20)"}

Technology Stack

  • FastAPI: Web framework to build APIs.
  • OpenCV: Used for face detection.
  • Docker: Used for containerization.


Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to improve this project.