Hotel Management System

This is a basic C++ application designed to demonstrate the core concepts of C++ programming, such as data storage, arrays, vectors, structs, and basic control flow.


  • Add a Room: Allows the user to add a new room with a unique room number and price.
  • Book a Room: Allows a user to book an available room by entering the room number and guest's name.
  • Checkout from a Room: Guests can checkout from their rooms, making the room available again.
  • Display All Rooms: View a list of all rooms, their prices, and their occupancy status.
  • Search for a Room: Allows the user to search for a room by its room number to view its details.

Getting Started


  • A C++ compiler, preferably GCC.

Compilation and Execution

  1. Clone this repository or download the source code.

  2. Navigate to the project's root directory.

    1. Use the provided Makefile to compile the project:

    note Windows users

    make -f WMakefile
    1. Or, you can use CMake to compile the project:
      mkdir build
      cd build
      cmake ..
  3. Run the compiled binary:



Once the program is running, you will be presented with a menu of available operations. Follow the on-screen prompts to interact with the system.


This is a basic implementation meant for educational purposes. If you'd like to expand on this project, consider adding features such as:

  • Saving and loading the hotel's data from a file.
  • Implementing a more advanced room search based on different criteria.
  • Adding a user authentication system.

Pull requests are welcome!


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.