
light patterns for city museum ferris wheel

City Museum STL Ferris Wheel Lights

These files are the required files to generate light patterns for the Saint Louis City Museum ferris wheel.


  • Clone/download the ferriswheel repository, and then head into the folder named xlightswheel.

  • Download a program called xLights - xLights is a free and open source program that enables you to design, create and play lighting displays. You can find all the xLights releases here

  • Follow the installation instructions on the download page for your system, and start the xLights program.

Creating your own sequence

  • Launch xLights and you will be prompted for a project folder, select the xlightswheel as your show diretory contained within this repository

  • Once launched, at the top of xLights you'll see three tabs, Controllers / Layout / Sequencer

  • Click on Sequencer - make sure you Don't modify controllers or layout

  • Click >File >New Sequence Choose Animation and 20 frames per second (20FPS)

  • From there you should now see the silhouette of the ferris wheel, and can create your very own sequences in the 30 second timeline.

  • Drag an effect on to the ferriswheel item in the timeline and modify the parameters in the Effect Settings pane.

  • Watch as your creations light up the wheel! Tweak them as you like!

Saving your sequence creation

  • Head to >File >Save
  • Give your sequence a name and save it in the xlightswheel directory
  • This operation will save out two files, NAME_OF_SEQUENCE_FILE.xml and NAME_OF_SEQUENCE_FILE.fseq

Getting your sequence creations up on the wheel

  • On your local machine, you'll need to open your terminal
  • Head into the ferriswheel folder (cd ferriswheel)
  • git add xlightswheel/NAME_OF_SEQUENCE_FILE.xml xlightswheel/NAME_OF_SEQUENCE_FILE.fseq
  • git commit -m "I added my own sequence for the STL City Museum ferris wheel!"
  • git push
  • Head to github and view your cloned repository, there should be a green button there to Create a Pull Request
  • Create a pull request from your updated repository back to the origin, be sure you've included your xml and fseq files!