Team 5 - Bike Sales in Europe

We are creating a website to visualize and showcase our findings and recommendations that we got from the dataset.

🧰 Technologies Used

Technology Description
HTML Foundation for interpret and compose text, images, and other material into visible or audible web pages.
CSS Responsible for adding style to a web page by dictating how a site is displayed on a browser.
JavaScript Responsible for dynamic and interactive web page to interact with visitors and execute complex actions.
Chart.js Responsible for JavaScript charting library for the modern web.
GitHub Responsible for hosting website files and free demo hosting services through Pages.
GitHub Desktop Responsible for fullfill Git needs (commit, pull, push, fetch, and many more) with GUI interface.
Vercel Responsible for hosting finalized website and optimized deployments for global performance and accessibility.

🌐 Links

Website Description
Demo Powered by GitHub Pages.
Final Powered by Vercel.

⭐ Team Members

Name Role
Mohammad Firmansyah Suryo Baskoro Project Leader
Rafif Rabbani Frontend Engineer
Ehud Gratia Manullang Frontend Engineer
Nada Adilah Frontend Engineer
Risma Dhiva Syabila Frontend Engineer
Ananda Eka Satria Deployment Team
Clarissa Ghavira Pitch Deck Team
Adesty Dewi Nurcahyani Pitch Deck Team
So George Fredericho Pitch Deck Team
Rizki Fatimah Quality Assurance
Wahyuni Madina Quality Assurance
Arya Setya Quality Assurance