
54-instruction static pipeline CPU for mips architecture

Primary LanguageVerilog



54-instruction static pipeline CPU for mips architecture.

Our work

  • Used Verilog HDL to implement RAM, ALU, multiplier, divider, and other modules
  • Designed the control module connecting the CPU components and data streams to facilitate the increase and decrease of instructions
  • Tested the CPU on ModelSim, and then implemented the CPU on the Digilent Nexys4 FPGA board
  • For more information, refer to Project report.


  • Vivado 2016.2
  • Digilent Nexys 4 DDR FPGA board
  • Mars 4.5: Mips Assembly and Runtime Simulator

Test program

We verify cpu correctness and efficiency on a benchmark program

  1. Algorithm model
  • Use the dichotomy method to find the location corresponding to the drop resistance value, and stop when the range is narrowed down to two levels. At this time, select a higher layer to test the egg and get the final result.
  • drop_cnt is the number of broken eggs, drop_egg is the number of broken eggs, and a drop_final value of 0 means that the last egg was broken.
  1. Algorithm C language program
int main()
	int total_level = 987654321, break_level = 123456789;
	int drop_cnt = 0, drop_egg = 0, drop_final;
	int low = 0, high = total_level, center;
	while (1)
		if (low +1 == high){
			if (high > break_level)
				drop_final = 0;
				drop_final = 1;
		center = (low + high) / 2;
		if (center > break_level) {
			high = center;
			low = center;
	return 0;
  1. Algorithm 54 instructions MIPS program
  • The number of broken eggs, the number of broken eggs, and the result of the last drop are stored in the $12, $13, and $14 registers.
sll $0,$0,0
addiu $10,$0,987654321	#total_level
addiu $11,$0,123456789	#break_level
addiu $12,$0,0	#drop_cnt
addiu $13,$0,0	#drop_egg
#addiu $14,$0,0	#drop_final
addiu $2,$0,0	#low
addu $3,$0,$10	#high
#addu $4,$0,0	#center
addiu $1,$2,1
beq $1,$3,end_loop
#drop egg
addu $1,$2,$3
srl $4,$1,1		#center
sub $1,$11,$4
bgez $1,no_break
addu $3,$0,$4
addiu $13,$13,1
j end_break
addu $2,$0,$4
addiu $12,$12,1
j loop
sub $1,$11,$3
bgez $1,final_no_break
addiu $14,$0,0	#drop_final
addiu $13,$13,1
j final_end
addiu $14,$0,1	#drop_final
addiu $12,$12,1
exc:	#jump_out
j exc

How to use

  1. Include all the files in code directory.
  2. Use Vivado to synthesis, implementation, generate bitstream and program to board, remember to load the test program file.

  1. Press button N17 to reset, and release to get the results of the program

The final result is 001f0004 (drop_cnt and drop_egg), and the V11 light in the lower left corner is off (egg_break=0). The result was correct. 4) We provide Mips cource code here, you can alter it and generate binary file(COE) of your own program with Mars 4.5.