
Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Application URL
  3. Technologies Used
  4. Future Features
  5. Particular Challenges


  • This is currently a back up for my site. It mainly used to learn new languages and technologies.

Application URL:

Technologies Used:

  • Apache Tomcat, HTML, CSS, PHP, Perl CGI-BIN, Apache SSI, Javascript, JQuery

  • IIS, ASP.NET: Webform, Web Application, MVC, Classic ASP

  • Glassfish, JSF, JSP

  • Python Web.py

  • Ruby on Rails

  • Node JS

  • Oracle 11g, SQL Server Express, SQL Server 2014, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Derby

Future Features:

  • Currently adding JQuery version.

  • Anjular JS version.

  • Updating table HTML structure to use a newer Div / Div inline block structure

  • Over project needs the following:

    • New logos
    • Update CSS:
      • Media query
    • Secure text fields / database requests

Particular Challenges:

  • Format: Every technology has different requirements, possibly a new IDE, or might require other new technologies.
  • Port Management: In order to serve multiple technologies on the same server through the same URL, multiple ports have to be used. E.g. IIS can't listen on the same port as Apache Tomcat
  • Syntax: Each language has its own particular syntax, though it is sometimes similar to others, with important differences.
  • Databases: Each technology has different ways to connect to a database, if it is even possible, e.g. Derby only seems to be accessible through Java.