
Preparing Vector Tile Data

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Preparing Vector Tile Data

The process to produce Vector Tiles is based on the conversion with the tippecanoe library from geojson to mbtiles where it is subsequently uploaded to the server to be served from the web.

In this case we use a docker image already available in Docker hub


The following structure needs to be created

  • geojson: where are the geojson of the data in EPSG:4326.
  • tiles: where the mbtiles will be generated.
mkdir geojson
mkdir tiles

Upload / download of GEOjson files, for example:

cd geojson


wget https://cdn.buenosaires.gob.ar/datosabiertos/datasets/secretaria-de-desarrollo-urbano/tejido-urbano/tejido.geojson


curl https://cdn.buenosaires.gob.ar/datosabiertos/datasets/secretaria-de-desarrollo-urbano/tejido-urbano/tejido.geojson -o tejido.geojson
cd ..

Execute trasnformation of GEOjson to MBtiles

docker run --entrypoint tippecanoe -v $PWD:/tippecanoe morlov/tippecanoe:latest -o tippecanoe/tiles/<name of mbtiles>.mbtiles  -l default -Z10 -z22 -pk --drop-fraction-as-needed tippecanoe/geojson/<name of geojson>.geojson

For example:

docker run --entrypoint tippecanoe -v $PWD:/tippecanoe morlov/tippecanoe:latest -o tippecanoe/tiles/tejido_gcba.mbtiles  -l default -Z10 -z22 -pk --drop-fraction-as-needed tippecanoe/geojson/tejido.geojson

To finish the process: copy the .mbtile files inside the Tile Server data folder.