
A Vulkan version of Katze

Primary LanguageC++


This is an ongoing personal game engine project still in early stage of development. The purpose of this project is to learn the Vulkan API and test out computer graphics knowledges.


A Screen Shot of the Editor Layout

Getting Started

Visual Studio 2019 and later is recommended, Windows is currently the only supported platform.

1. Downloading the repository:

Start by cloning the repository with git clone --recursive https://github.com/Kanagawa-Wave/Avalanche.

If the repository was cloned non-recursively previously, use git submodule update --init to clone the necessary submodules.

2. Build the project:

  1. Make sure you've download and installed the latest Vulkan SDK from LunarG.
  2. Run the GenerateProjectFiles.bat script file to generate a visual studio solution (defaults to vs2022, you need to edit the command if other versions of Visual Studio is used)
  3. Build the project in Visual Studio

Feature List


  • Model loading
  • Editor interface based on ImGui
  • Blinn-Phong shading
  • Point Lights
  • Entity-Component System based on entt
  • Abstraction layer for Vulkan API

Short-term goals (Before Fall 2024)

  • Shadow Maps
  • More types of lights (area lights / spot lights)
  • PBR support
  • Cubemaps
  • Post-processing
  • Assimp model loading
  • Deferred Rendering

Long-term goals

  • Reflections (SSR, Planar)
  • Ambient Occulsion (SSAO, GTAO)
  • Mesh shading pipeline
  • Vulkan Ray tracing

Inspirations & References

  • Hazel Engine by TheCherno
  • Walnut by StudioCherno
  • DirectX-Graphics-Samples by Microsoft
  • Vulkan Guide by Victor Blanco
  • LittleVulkanEngine by Thibault Fievez